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F A O Alex Gardiner


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Do you have any intentsions of making a Super-Lite Soft Flocked Hybrid, like the Xtreme one but with more bristles? I think it would be an ace brush.

Tuffers i thought flocked were a bugger for rinsing?? Better scrubbing power but a pain for holding onto bits of dirt.

I rinse off the glass, so no problems there Keir. I have the Xtreme hybrid, but it's knackered now. Just thought my suggestion of a heavier brush, but the same concept would be good. Would you use one mate?

I wouldn't mind having one in the arsenal of tools( i like experimenting), just for its scrubbing power, this last few weeks i'm having a hard time with little black bits welded to the glass, been slowing me down quite a bit on some sections of work having to scrub the glass 2-3 times

I rinse off the glass too but if i'm on quite a high extension height i often tilt the brush so one edge is on the glass to keep some weight on the glass and rely on one jet to rinse the top bit then pull off to rinse the rest

So would like to have a go with one

Do you have any intentsions of making a Super-Lite Soft Flocked Hybrid, like the Xtreme one but with more bristles? I think it would be an ace brush.
The current weather conditions and the resulting salty/greasy glass is making hard work for a lot of window cleaners. Several I know have gone back to flocked brushes just to get the glass clean in these conditions - normally this is not needed. Whilst I have not gone back to flocked brushes, I have been having to scrub a lot more carefully and rinse very carefully with nearly all of my work over the last couple of weeks.

We do already do a flocked Super-Lite brush - http://www.gardinerpolesystems.co.uk/acatalog/the-super-lite-brush-dual-trim-flocked-standard-splay.html which uses exactly the same outer bristles as your current Xtreme one. However because there are more rows of bristles it does not feel as soft. It also does not have the blue inner bristles - you are the second person this week to ask about the possibility of the larger flocked brush having the blue inner bristles - who knows?

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