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Just wondering what people thoughts on this I have too much work I have over 500 houses which most want done once every 2weeks

Was thinking off taking on sumone and giving them £180 per week is that fair or am I being a scrooge lol

welcome gray4..at the end of the day if they are happy to work for that then no probs....there are of course a lot of factors....what happens when they are rained off. how much time for lunch, what kind of work they do, how honest they are to stop them pinching extra work but on the other hand if you have too much work and need to keep on top of it...good luck and let us know how you get on:)


good point jj windowcleaners...if your training as well...good wage...

The boy is only 16 and all I expect him to do is 10 in the morning have a hour or so off then 10 in the afternoon that takes 100 off me per week all the houses he would be doing are close together

The boy is only 16 and all I expect him to do is 10 in the morning have a hour or so off then 10 in the afternoon that takes 100 off me per week all the houses he would be doing are close together
and of course the energy of youth.....oh god i wish i could get it back....wish i was on that wage at 16.../emoticons/smile.png

I'd say the adult min wage of £6.31p/h for the first month to see if he is keen and willing to pull his weight. £7p/h training for 3 months to get him upto speed. I would then pay around £8.50p/h for the rest of the year with a review of increasing his wage at the end. Aslong as he is still keen and not taking advantage in anyway I would then pay around £10p/h in not abit more.

I'd say the adult min wage of £6.31p/h for the first month to see if he is keen and willing to pull his weight. £7p/h training for 3 months to get him upto speed. I would then pay around £8.50p/h for the rest of the year with a review of increasing his wage at the end. Aslong as he is still keen and not taking advantage in anyway I would then pay around £10p/h in not abit more.
dont get carried away i think i will come and work for you.....:rofl: call it £8ph....pretty good scale....better than my dad gave me...

Instead of just sending him out to work on houses, why not work alongside him? 1 does front, the other back? ...don't put that bit in the advert theough, you'll get all sorts of wierdos.:confused:

I personally wouldnt pay any more then 7.50 an hour unless they were the ****ox.

I would not want a youngster to work on his/her own either to be honest. As an employer you have a duty of care for his/her safety including structured training. Also provide the most appropriate methods & tools for the job to comply with working a height act. Needless to say you would need to get employers liability insurance too and then deal with employment law & payroll.

It’s a whole new ball game when employing someone so good luck with that regardless how much you want to pay him/her to work for you.

180 quid at 16..... i would have been walking about like rockafella!

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I would not want a youngster to work on his/her own either to be honest. As an employer you have a duty of care for his/her safety including structured training. Also provide the most appropriate methods & tools for the job to comply with working a height act. Needless to say you would need to get employers liability insurance too and then deal with employment law & payroll.
It’s a whole new ball game when employing someone so good luck with that regardless how much you want to pay him/her to work for you.
All ready got insurance in place as I need it to attain a licence as the area I work in u need a window cleaning licence to work we get stopped every 2 /3 months from the police or council man we have to show it if its ran out u can not work for 1 month its not that much £40 per year for a employees or £180 for a main operators but the 180 one lasts for 3 years sorry for the long reply just back from football beer enuff said lol

All ready got insurance in place as I need it to attain a licence as the area I work in u need a window cleaning licence to work we get stopped every 2 /3 months from the police or council man we have to show it if its ran out u can not work for 1 month its not that much £40 per year for a employees or £180 for a main operators but the 180 one lasts for 3 years sorry for the long reply just back from football beer enuff said lol
Sounds like a great way to skim money from hard working people. Its ironic that our taxes pay for those people to come and tax us, go figure.

wow...a window cleaning license....really...:eek::eek::eek:

too much ball ache to ever employ someone for me...especially now days:(....but thats why i love you lot....at least i have a bit of banter...that i miss being on my own:rofl:

I take it you work in Scotland then @gray4 ?

The daft thing so I've heard is some Scotish councils never imposed the lic as they could not afford to run it but others do.

If you are unlucky enough to have work that spans different council areas that do require a lic then you need to have a lic to work in each area too.

Yes Scotland half of my work is in a area that u need a licence . funny thing is thay only about 10 min drive apart

The reason you cannot work for a month is every time it runs out its not a case of just paying up u need to go through all the police background checks again so to keep it running smoothly u really need to 6 weeks before it runs out

Seems a right pain in the arse for honest window cleaners.

I take it some bright spark thought it was a good idea due to the odd one or two scumbags that rip ppl off. Then I guess at the same time generate extra revenue by taking more money off hard working honest people. Surely thats discriminating against one trade against others too as I bet plumbers, electricians, painter & decorators, gardeners etc don't need a lic to work but still use ladders.:rolleyes:

And you still have to get a lic if you just wfp too /emoticons/biggrin.png

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What happened to inocent until proven guilty guv? Just because you happen to carry ladders about dosen't make you a criminal but guess in some parts of Scotland it does./emoticons/biggrin.png

Its a joke to be honest u don't need a licence to cut the grass do the guttering or power wash a round the house but put watter on the windows then its a hole different ball game straight to jail lol

How daft is that as most scumbags I would have thought would not want to be so visable and daft to steel from a house using ladders anyhow as there must be easier things to for them to get upto. However If people are stupid enough to leave upstairs windows open that are not locked into posistion then I suppose an oportunist scumbag high on drugs maybe might be crazy enough to try get in through an upstairs window using a ladder. :rolleyes:

I take it Scotland must have a big problem with crime then? :whistle:
