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gardiner backpack preferred flow settings


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I got my gardiner backpack and wondered what people's oreffered settings are for it as u have position 1 on top or position 2 bottom more powerful and then the float control also?

Is that on the low flow setting or high flow. I was generally using that on the low flow. Ive also got a leak at the ez snap connector.

I normally have mine set around 7 o'clock on the flow controller - but noticed having to put it up once installing the univalve.

Low setting around 4 to 5 o'clock with extra hose Approx 15 metres I have it set to around 5ish and the high setting is full flow power.

Comon now...What setting should I have my controller on?

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No question..full whack with backpack or van mount..no pussyfooting around

I can normally do two semi with my backpack set at 4 to 5 o'clock if I have it set full flow it would only do one semi but that doesn't mean I could do it at double the speed, you need to experiment with yours and decide which works best for you.

I work on full flow and work fast but if i was to want to work a bit slower i would have it set about the same as you Den

Fast enough to quickly rinse the c### off the window, If you are bothered about using too much water then get some Clarkes 1mm welding tips to use as pencils jets they fit nicely into Gardiners brushes easily I have used them for around 8 years now .

my son has it on full whack i have to turn it down a bit cos im not young fit fast or healthy like that horrible show off lol
