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gardiner CLX 27


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Has anyone ever owned or used a Gardiner CLX 27 if so are they any good?

I bought a cheap pole like an idiot and snapped part of it already.... so looking to put a bit more money into a better pole this time any opinions would be good! 

Thanks for reading ? 

Window cleaning will at some stage in your life cause you some of joint issues. The clx is a great pole, but using a stiff, light and correctly sized pole is key to preventing/delaying injury. Invest in the best pole you can I would advise. Cheaper poles break quicker so uneconomical anyway. Go for the 22 +4 like part timer said.

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Use an SLX 30 as regular pole with extreme brush. Lot of my work is new builds with 3 rd. story in roof space so would take too much time swopping poles. Only put first pole out 3/4 way. Stops whipping effect.You get used to the weight and I’m past retirement age.

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Thanks everyone i have bought the CLX 22 + the extension section.

i will be upgrading to a SLX soon as my budget fits.
