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gardner uyltmate


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has any one tryed the gardner ultmate ultmate stiff brush ?? ive just ordered one with a bag of resin lets hope its up to hot water ???

ill let u no how i get on with it m8 i realy like the ultmate brushes and the supreme ones i had a soft supreme wich was very nice but frayed at the ends a bit to quick maby a stiffer supreme would be beta for me, ive got the ultmate medium wich has bin good its on its last legs now tho

I'm pretty set on brushes. 

Everyone's uses medium mixed sills for most work. 

Soft flocked ultimate for leaded. 

Medium mixed 35cm ultimate for Commercial 

Medium mixed ultimate for 40ft plus work. 

Then variations of the above with more jets/fan jets 

i was looking at @Ash87 new brush i think it was a ultmate 35cm with 4 fan jets that brush looked very nice ive never bin big on fan jets till i tryed the gardner ones they are much more accurate than the others ive tryed i had a go on friday with them and realy injoyed them on a new bild estate but had a few issues on a job up the road were the top rubber on the pain of glass left a run as water hit it so had to clean it again im not shore if they save water of not tho ? im guna have a nother go monday

@tench0771 completely off the subject, but I'm thinking of ordering a new water heater. I've used my fogwash for around 6 years (I think), but because I've just bought a new van, I might as well fit a new heater. 

Which one are you using please?

Eccotemp L5, if its still working ide keep it m8 ive hurd there very good shame peter stoped selling them

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@tench0771 yeah I'm using the ultimate 35 mixed with 4 fans , so far I love it I have the water turned right up, I can you get brass fan jets though?  have ruined one already when I got grit it in ,

Also let me know how you get on with the hard bristle I was originally after the supreme medium but it might of been out of stock

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gardners dont sell brass ones m8 i saw a fred on fb were a guy brought a carry bag quater full of fan jets as he keeps snaping them mine has not snaped as yet tuch wood   , ill let u no how i get on with it as i use hot water i prity much kill by brushes the extreme dont last me 7 weeks the ultmate medium has lasted some time to be fair maby 6 months at a push my tecbuk hibrid dont like hot as the bristels are to soft and they splay out to much but its not even worn lol , my supreme soft did not last 7 weeks till the ends frayed realy badly but i realy liked that brush, my sill flocked wich i use for upvc cleaning is realy out of shape not shore how long it will last , the super lite medium mixed is still hardly worn ive had this brush for years but i dont like using it on my small pole  ive got a super lite flocked wich ive had years wich is allmost dead now im not keen on that brush so its now a soft wash brush , my tecbuk black also dont like hot thats allmost shot as its a soft wash brush now for paving ect 

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