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Going go cardless


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johnny bravo

Well-known member

I do bacs and Paypal, & cash, collecting. i dont mind its local.

people still forget to pay, and if i dont check up some get away with not paying, i have some email addresses but not all. i should get all numbers and email addresses to remind them. some forget to send there address as there id. to know who paid. so i dont know, only 2 people but i cant find out who . always out.


how did your customers react to you asking to pay via Go cardless .

can someone let me know the basics of getting set-up, and advantages of getting paid this way rather than my 3 payment types,




Hi,I do bacs and Paypal, & cash, collecting. i dont mind its local.

people still forget to pay, and if i dont check up some get away with not paying, i have some email addresses but not all. i should get all numbers and email addresses to remind them. some forget to send there address as there id. to know who paid. so i dont know, only 2 people but i cant find out who . always out.


how did your customers react to you asking to pay via Go cardless .

can someone let me know the basics of getting set-up, and advantages of getting paid this w "ay rather than my 3 payment types,



I'll talk to ya! Any new custys who want bank payments MUST go on Go Cardless had big problems chasing up the same Amnesia patients, I turn up with Quote books and a printed sheet explaining payment methods and hand it to the custy along with the quote and explain how Go Cardless works. When I first went Go Cardless I sent a mass text to all custys offering the service I got a few negative texts back saying stuff like "I'm not sharing my bank details" I don't get to see their bank details but the 7 I have using it are happy, certainly not doing bank transfers anymore pain in the @rse

Hi,I do bacs and Paypal, & cash, collecting. i dont mind its local.

people still forget to pay, and if i dont check up some get away with not paying, i have some email addresses but not all. i should get all numbers and email addresses to remind them. some forget to send there address as there id. to know who paid. so i dont know, only 2 people but i cant find out who . always out.


how did your customers react to you asking to pay via Go cardless .

can someone let me know the basics of getting set-up, and advantages of getting paid this way rather than my 3 payment types,



Have you got a round planner?

I found it difficult getting my customers on GoCardless because they didn't want to share bank details or sign up to a monthly DD.. I use PayPal and send a text reminder with a PayPal.me link all they do is click the link and pay the value I request. I've got it linked up to my SmartRound account which I use to keep record of jobs etc it's a doddle for checking overdue customers. I've actually just put some screenshots in this post


GoCardless is pretty simple once your up and running, much easier than PayPal especially if you use it alongside planner software. I use Aworka and it's pretty much automated in the dashboard, you input the customers details and if they have already signed up to GoCardless it lets you link them to the account when you are setting up the payment method. All my new customers are on GoCardless, no other option unless they pay cash on the day. Just explain to them that once they are signed up you request the money through GoCardless, they get an email to say you have made the request, then, unless they contact you to dispute it, the money leaves there account 6 days later. It's not a direct debit - it's protected by the direct debit guarantee. You'll find most young parents already use it to pay for kids clubs out of school and football etc. I tell them at sign up it takes all the hassle out of remembering to pay, it doesn't cost them anything - yet it cost me to use the service and it is all done through the GoCardless website (or your website if you have one) you will never see their details and they can cancel at any time. I use the line that I don't deal with cash whenever possible and I use it to make the service as efficient and painless as possible. Three new customers this week - all on GoCardless by the time I got home. If they want a reliable window cleaner they won't have a problem with it.

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