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Thinking of going on social media


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Hi fellow window cleaners.

I've been at this game since 2013, I grew my round from canvassing and buying up some work. I have never promoted myself on social media before, iv relied on word of mouth. But it feels like social media is the way to go these days. I also decided to join this forum and I look forward to offering advice and receiving advice.
I would appreciate any advice on social media and and how to get stared in this field. I was planning on posting a note through all my customers doors letting them know I'm on Facebook and telling them I would appreciate a review. I would be interested in receiving feedback and advice from anyone on here who has social media.
Hi fellow window cleaners.

I've been at this game since 2013, I grew my round from canvassing and buying up some work. I have never promoted myself on social media before, iv relied on word of mouth. But it feels like social media is the way to go these days. I also decided to join this forum and I look forward to offering advice and receiving advice.
I would appreciate any advice on social media and and how to get stared in this field. I was planning on posting a note through all my customers doors letting them know I'm on Facebook and telling them I would appreciate a review. I would be interested in receiving feedback and advice from anyone on here who has social media.
Get yourself a Facebook page set up, I wouldn't go to crazy on paying for advertising as some of it can be from further afield outside of your business trading radius

Get some newer leaflets made with a simple "we are on Facebook" logo and a QR code so your more modern potential customers can scan it and automatically be directed to your page

I personally wouldn't have any displayed pricing on your Facebook page as it gives you an opportunity to price your work per house & task and also gives you room for price rises.

If you need help creating a QR code drop me a message and I'll make you one

personally i say state your prices everytime on FB . Ive Always done that and have raked in a lot of the repetetive work that way . Everybody is different you may feel better to never disclose and i know some who wont give a price over the phone either ,so be it
There are Facebook local groups that have their own rules but a fair few allow you to promote your business once a week. That's free advertising - don't jump into paid ads as there is quite a bit to it and it can quickly eat up your budget.
I think social media is a bit of a slow burner - i.e. keep regularly posting images or updates and over time you will get noticed.
Be aware that some geographical areas are better than others on Social media.
Make sure you have a 'Google My Business' listing might be called 'Google Business Profile' now.
Make sure all information regarding business name, location, contact details is identical on all online listings.

I'm not convinced your existing customers need to know you are on Facebook but getting reviews is a good thing - as long as they are good reviews - In my opinion Google reviews are more valuable as they help with Search Engine Optimisation and pushing your google listing higher.
I find Facebook brings in low rent - unreliable and generally bad customers - we run a Facebook page - TIK Tok and Instagram - ty running a few videos of your work BUT also make it entertaining - nothing worse than just cleaning related stuff - post regularly and also non window cleaning related items