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What vehicle should I buy!


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Electric is great if you are a local window cleaner that has a driveway.

My 50kwh proace does about 120 miles to charge with a 500 Ltr tank (plenty for a full days work with a univalve)

50kw at 7.5 pence per kw is £3.75 a charge
(Charging overnight on octopus go tariff)

Vans with 75kwh battery packs are available now.

Low maintenance and excellent to drive.

Look on autotrader there are lots of electric vans at good prices with low miles and long warranty’s. (Toyota has 8 year warranty)

Don’t listen to the daily mail readers.

Do you have customers in affluent areas?

Do you notice there is a lot of Tesla model y
Kia ev 9 bmw i3 etc in those areas

Do you think the people in those areas are stupid or don’t have a choice what car they buy?
Na mate. If you look into it,you will find its a tax avoidance scheme for the companies they work for. Those lovely 50 k bemmers that dont burn fossil fuel look great on the accounts !
Na mate. If you look into it,you will find its a tax avoidance scheme for the companies they work for. Those lovely 50 k bemmers that dont burn fossil fuel look great on the accounts !
Yes they are tax efficient AND also great to drive and cheap to run……….

What’s not to like?

And no you won’t go bankrupt if something goes wrong thats what your warranty is for.

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