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Struggling to start - canvassing queries


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Hey guys,
I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time now but never posted as all the info I needed I searched for etc and started my business with this knowledge.

I'm very early stages, have a van with kit, branded clothing, website and Facebook page went live earlier this week so I'm literally just starting to get into the industry.

My issue is with canvassing.

I know I'm probably going to get a bit of flak for this as I've spent a total of 2 nights doing it so not long but I'm really struggling with getting customers. I've picked up a grand total of 1 in that time....

It's unbelievably demoralizing to get hundreds of no's a night how do you guys do it? I wear branded jacket, am polite have a short 'speech' and are reasonably confident although this takes a battering as the evening progresses..

Is there a knack to this? All I seem to get is we already have a cleaner (which I don't believe half the time looking at some houses) or a no thanks
Try a slightly different area. If you are targeting relative new builds then that will be difficult as they get snapped up quick! There is no magic to it just persistence and keep smiling. Don't let it get you down, just keep going as the next house could be a new customer.
@FreshStart have a look at Sid Partridge's youtube channel (partridge exterior cleaning I think it's called) . He has a few canvassing tips on a couple of his videos which are pretty good. Hope your spending layout hasn't been too big mate. The equipment is easy to buy but building a semi decent round isn't. Keep going and you'll get there.
Firstly - never pre judge a property always knock on every door.
Yes you will get lots of rejections - never take it personally - celebrate you got 1 ! - sometimes you can go a couple of days without anything then boom, 3 or 4 in a row.
Are you giving them a leaflet ? if not do so.... yes or no - a good percentage will come back to you esp if they see your van a few days later.
Be polite - I always asked if they needed a windy - if no - I wouldn't push it - just a friendly goodbye and pass them a leaflet
Even canvassing takes time ( 3 to 4 hours late afternoon to evening but try to avoid evening meal times - and Saturdays/Sundays 9.30 to 12.30 ) for a complete month - then come back and post your results
Hey guys,
I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time now but never posted as all the info I needed I searched for etc and started my business with this knowledge.

I'm very early stages, have a van with kit, branded clothing, website and Facebook page went live earlier this week so I'm literally just starting to get into the industry.

My issue is with canvassing.

I know I'm probably going to get a bit of flak for this as I've spent a total of 2 nights doing it so not long but I'm really struggling with getting customers. I've picked up a grand total of 1 in that time....

It's unbelievably demoralizing to get hundreds of no's a night how do you guys do it? I wear branded jacket, am polite have a short 'speech' and are reasonably confident although this takes a battering as the evening progresses..

Is there a knack to this? All I seem to get is we already have a cleaner (which I don't believe half the time looking at some houses) or a no thanks
It's a tough world when it comes to canvassing
With fewer people owning their own home I find tenants of rented properties don't give a dam what their exterior looks like and won't need a window cleaner

Your friends and family can be the best advertisers for your business as they can recommend you to others

also try and include an incentive / or loyalty scheme within your pitch. You are a new starters so make sure the quality of your work reflects in your pricing structure

Try and find an area that's highly populated with OAPs as you'll experience a less abrupt response to help build your experience and techniques
try to prolong the conver at the door , after the initial NO. if theres a dog say you had one like it and try and think quickly of a funny story that dog could tie shoelaces but not if it saw you looking over etc .If you can get a chat going can they think of anyone who might want their windows doing they just might there and then ring up for you.Also you want to be hanging around a community cafe lunchtimes so you and van are noticed inside the cafe ask can you put up a poster on the board you havnt got a poster but you draw one then and there using paper etc theyll give u some/ in that cafe therell be a local blabbermouth she will spread the word if you buy her summat or clean her windows for free. if you cannot face another round of door knocking well start pushing out flyers AND chatting to folk you run into.Sing while you are walking,loud as you can not just humming . your whole life is to be spent on the street no sitting at home brooding. I knew and frequented every community cafe for miles around id buy a coffee be in there same time each day scribbling on paper and chatting to whoever looked my way not about windows i once wrote a job reference[later] for someone id jus met , non of the cafe dwellers were good customers but they were great at spreading the word and locally it soon became known my van was there at lunchtimes folk would come in to find me holding court .
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If you haven’t already, setup a Facebook profile (a business one. If you don’t know how, Google it. Don’t just use a normal Facebook account with your business name as it doesn’t work the same).

Then post in local community groups. They often aren’t the best customers, but it’s a foot in the door at least for you.
It's a tough world when it comes to canvassing
With fewer people owning their own home I find tenants of rented properties don't give a dam what their exterior looks like and won't need a window cleaner
This 👆👆. I have never known as many people renting their homes as I do the last year or two. I moved house just before Christmas and the majority of neighbours seem to be renting. Private and social. It must be a mindset thing because some of windows and gutters etc are absolutely filthy, but nobody seems to care. We rented for a while beforehand, and when we moved out the letting agency were genuinely quite surprised that we'd kept both the interior and exterior clean.

As @AW Services says it might be worth knocking an area that has a few pensioners etc. I have a few where I live and they are generally much more reliable customers. Not all, but most are good.
In most areas getting one customer a night is pretty reasonable!
It’s a tough business to get started in.
Expect 2-4 years of slog in a saturated area.

I have one estate where I clean most of the windows. It gets canvassed all the time, and they all waste their time.

The main road that it comes off has bigger houses, but because it’s not ideal I.e more van moving etc , it never gets canvassed.
So think outside the box.

Oh a never mention that your starting out.
In most areas getting one customer a night is pretty reasonable!
It’s a tough business to get started in.
Expect 2-4 years of slog in a saturated area.

I have one estate where I clean most of the windows. It gets canvassed all the time, and they all waste their time.

The main road that it comes off has bigger houses, but because it’s not ideal I.e more van moving etc , it never gets canvassed.
So think outside the box.

Oh a never mention that your starting out.

You are 'expanding' or growing your round. Never use 'I', always we.

Ask your existing customers for referrals; neighbours, friends and family living close by. Once you have completed your house clean, knock the neighbours. "Hi, my name is so-and-so. We clean the Gibson's windows at No 10 and wondered if you could also benefit from our service as well."

Don't be afraid to talk to other window cleaners in your area. Once they get to know you, they are more likely to share information with you regarding business in the area.
Thanks for the replies lads I've taken a lot on board and it's got me into a better mindset.

Some excellent tips I've read and re-read through here.

I have friends in different areas that I'm about to start cleans on so I will move off my doorstep and target them areas, aim for some quiet cul DE sacs, side roads etc and be a bit more reasonable in my expectations for acquiring work so I can drive forward positively.

I'll be out again this week and weekend so I can put your given advice into practice - really appreciate the responses guys 👍
If you’re needing some leads try registering on Bark.com, there’s no monthly fee. Once you register you’ll get a couple of leads free, ignore the sales calls and just buy the 20% off deal that they email for a batch of credits that you use to buy leads.

Make sure you set your services and geographic area accurately, use the app and respond quickly and you’ll get the work.

I had hundreds of pounds off the first £40 of credits, and still use it even though I’m quite busy - it gets you in streets you’re not in already and you pick up neighbours etc off areas that cost you next to nothing, worth a punt for a one off fee and see if it’s as good in your area
When I started out over 20 years ago I bought a small round,3 times monthly value I believe.
The work was good and compact.
Sounds silly but the busier you get,the busier you get.
Customers will recommend you to friends and family etc.
A 5 or 10% increase in customers a year soon adds up.
When people see you out working and a sign written van,there's no better advertising.
Take comfort in that we were all where you are at some point. Whenever canvassing/leafleting it try to base success on how much I cover not on response. I get home and see I’ve done 10k extra steps and pat myself on the back for a job well done.

One tip is to keep tabs on what properties have sold in your target area, you can view sold properties on rightmove. Then give them a very personalised pitch, I saw your new based on land reg . . . how’s the move gone? . . . Found anyone to do your windows yet?

People appreciate the hustle. Spring/Summer is the best time to be generating work from canvassing, keep it up!
each morn i used to draw out £40 cash from machine then go do 4 hours solid canvassing/leafletting, then at the end of the 4 hr stint go into a bank and pay in my £40 well earned "wages" this felt very gratifying [if daft] but id got a paying job of sorts.
Thanks for the replies lads I've taken a lot on board and it's got me into a better mindset.

Some excellent tips I've read and re-read through here.

I have friends in different areas that I'm about to start cleans on so I will move off my doorstep and target them areas, aim for some quiet cul DE sacs, side roads etc and be a bit more reasonable in my expectations for acquiring work so I can drive forward positively.

I'll be out again this week and weekend so I can put your given advice into practice - really appreciate the responses guys 👍
Roughly what area are you canvassing in? I might be able to help you out...
Thanks again chaps with all the extra motivation and help,

@sleepyfolk - great shout with the bark.com advice, I've already put a few requests in that aren't a million miles away from me 👍 like you say I've seen the 20% off credit offer and it's definitely worth a punt.

@Gadgetfox - I'm based in Leeds Ls26 specifically

Looking forwards to getting back out again tonight and this weekend
Don't give up, I started out canvassing a few years back and got so many leads from just leaflets and words of mouth. One customer gained can lead to another and another etc. every time I went out it felt like a slog. But now I have a business that supports me and the family. Some tips I heard from a video on the subject ages ago. I always wear a bucket on a belt when canvassing, it immediately identifies you to the person. Don't always offer a leaflet straight away, just talk first. If you have a leaflet in your hand they will ask for it just to get rid of you, big waste of paper. Just because a house looks like it's cleaned regularly, don't take that as uninterested. Their windows cleaners could be unreliable and they may be looking to change, the amount of people who stick with their bad window cleaners because they think they're hard to come by is unreal! Try during the day if possible. I don't like people knocking on my door in the evening. Just do 1 or two hour stints. I would be surprised if you don't get a customer in that time. And just think you're not wasting time to begin with. You are earning the jobs.
I recommend advertisingvin your local parish magazine. Its fantastic value for money and I get lots of work through it. They tend to be " one off" jobs but, more often than not. Become regular customers. Then word of mouth takes over and it gets busy.