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Struggling to start - canvassing queries


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I've had a quick look at the replies and don't think this point has been made yet - apologies if it has.
The first thing I'd recommend is a website because a highly ranking site is a reliable source of rm egular, ongoing new enqiuries. I realise ranking well is easier said than done but it is perfectly doable.

But regardless of this you can still start building an online presence wothout a website. You've started with facebook so now you need a Google Business Profile which means you can rank in the local pack and ideally the top 3 - these are the results you get at the top of page 1 for local search results.
The best thing you can do is get a steady supply of good reviews and this can shoot you up the rankings. Don't get loads in 1 go because Google might view this as suspicious and reject some / all. Just a steady and regular flow of genuine reviews.

Bing Places is Bing's version of the same thing.
And both Google and Bing wull expect other citations, i.e. business listings on certain key directories such as Yell, Yelp,, 118, Scoot, Thonson local,
These help establish trust that you are a legitimate business. You MUST ensure that all your onformation is accurate and comsistent, in particular Business name, address & phone number.
On Google you should select option of a service provider at customers address as you are not a physical building that customers can go to. Then add yoyr service locations.
This is GBP link

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