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Carbon poles


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Would you recommend carbon poles over Ali ones??
Only my opinion but yes. I am quite careful with mine though. I have a friend with a couple of employees and he gets the aluminium ones as they tend to bash them about a bit and throw them in the back of the van. Mine are only the push fit ones but a local gutter cleaner let me try his clamped carbon version a couple of weeks ago and they are brilliant (it was the skyvac ones). If I did enough gutter clearing the clamped carbon would be top of the wishlist.
I had to weigh up cost over weight last autumn when I bought my Skyvac. So glad I went for carbon. Although they can get heavy 3 or 4 poles up if you're sucking up sludge that sticks to the sides.
In hindsight the clamped version may have been better still as I've got the push fits stuck on occasions.
I bought the aluminium poles when I bought a vac. Mainly because I didn’t know if I’d get much work clearing gutters so didn’t want to spend too much. No regrets about buying them. In the future I may upgrade to the clamped carbon poles, but these are good just now
I only ever use Aluminium. More robust in my opinion. Don't delaminate or or split and there's nothing wrong with a free weight lifting workout on the job
I can also weld Aluminium so repairs are free
Thats a bit of a specialist skill - not really a reason to recommend Ali over carbon in general
Once you have used Sky Vac elites you will never go back to aluminium... I have both. They allow allow you to work harder and longer without as much strain on the body especially over awkward stuff.
Once you have used Sky Vac elites you will never go back to aluminium... I have both. They allow allow you to work harder and longer without as much strain on the body especially over awkward stuff.
Yes they are very lite , but also very delicate I have broken a half length and full length section today lifting a turf out of a gutter over a conservatory!!!! Not much profit in that job 😂😂😂
Suppose if you get four years out of them with heavy use they're worth it.

Always got to be careful when they start getting heavy with mud, to carefully lower and flush them... I've had a few snap on me.

The extreme pole is pretty much the same, once it hits a couple of years section 1,2 snap easy...