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Gardiner back pack


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Gardiner back pack is working but after charging it yesterday. Will only work on the power 2 setting and nothing on one setting. Also the pressure control **** will not work , so it’s pumping at one pace. Any ideas on what’s happening

Can we be allowed to say **** please?

How are we supposed to get on if we can’t say ****? We’re all running water systems there’s flipping ***** everywhere!

I suppose it’s fine to say,

“Help I’m losing customers because I’ve decided to wear fishnets and heels all day and no one understands I’m just being my real me”

But I can’t say,

Help I’ve accidentally twisted my little twiddly **** off”

Bit silly isn’t it?
Sorry @Paddyo1966 I’ve gone a bit off piste there but the same thing happened to my backpack as you’re describing and it was the twiddly **** needed replacing. They’re cheap and easy to replace
Gardiner back pack is working but after charging it yesterday. Will only work on the power 2 setting and nothing on one setting. Also the pressure control **** will not work , so it’s pumping at one pace. Any ideas on what’s happening

I’ve had this problem change the switch and order spares so you don’t have downtime
Don’t buy a spare switch from Gardiner, whoever makes the backpacks uses utter shite connections and switches, get a decent switch from 12v planet and fit that and it’ll last years otherwise you’ll be replacing it twice a year at least 😂


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Don’t buy a spare switch from Gardiner, whoever makes the backpacks uses utter shite connections and switches, get a decent switch from 12v planet and fit that and it’ll last years otherwise you’ll be replacing it twice a year at least 😂
You mentioned about getting a decent switch as the OEM in your words are shite.

They you go and buy a 57p two pole Chineseium rocker switch 🤣😂
I had the same issue with my gardiner, been sat in my garage for 12 months and not used as I can't get it to turn on. Think I'll try the switch see if that works. I do find they aren't built to last at all.
I had the same issue with my gardiner, been sat in my garage for 12 months and not used as I can't get it to turn on. Think I'll try the switch see if that works. I do find they aren't built to last at all.
If it’s not been used in that amount of time I expect the battery will be knackerd as well
I had the same issue with my gardiner, been sat in my garage for 12 months and not used as I can't get it to turn on. Think I'll try the switch see if that works. I do find they aren't built to last at all.
Probably moisture in the switch and pcb along with a dead battery