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Gone tubeless good and bad.


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Went tubeless this week got some tips a while back from Daveyboy and Mark067, don't know why I waited this long to go tubeless some much easier and quicker packing away.

One lesson I did learn was not to buy cheap speed fit contractor see photos of the blues connectors waste of time and money due to the fact connecting teeth inside are to big and you need to fight to disconnect the from stem, these were £1.45 for 5 of eBay also the are oval and catch on the end cap more than normal JG connectors, they can be file down to help reducing catching on end cap.

The black connectors are from gardiner and connect and disconnect with ease and a pleasure to use as with all gardiner equipment works and does a job great, one Gardiner fitting is worth 1000 of the cheap eBay connectors, saying that I will leave the cheapo ones in the van for emergency purposes only as they do work but nowhere as efficiently.



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I think he did what i do and just cut the hose an inch out the end of the pole and reconnected with a jg fitting

I had the blue ones before and they were ok ..i suppose you take a gamble

I have just recently switched from using JG fittings after well over a year as they leaked like anything within hours.

I add section's as and when needed to my 22ft pole so leaving a good few inches trailing out the bottom, But I now use ez snap fittings with a Exceed ejector sleeve to protect the fittings

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I'm not sure I could make the DIY tubeless work. Exceeds kit although more expensive than DIY gave me the opportunity to ditch the reel hose and just use 100 metres of the pole hose. No snags or joins and reels in nicely, generally! Male in the pole and female in the injector sleeve, cuts the flow when disconnected.

The DIY way do you fit a tap on the feel hose to stop the flow?

Did you go Tubeless with your own fittings then or buy the kit?
Did what Daveyboy said JG connector inch longer than pole, then used a 6mm to 8mm barb with a couple of 'o' rings connecting reel hose to pole hose seen photo.

Got sick of the rectus connections disconnecting especially when the proctaball keep getting caught up on wheelie bin wheels etc.

So far happy with the JG fittings.



I'm not sure I could make the DIY tubeless work. Exceeds kit although more expensive than DIY gave me the opportunity to ditch the reel hose and just use 100 metres of the pole hose. No snags or joins and reels in nicely, generally! Male in the pole and female in the injector sleeve, cuts the flow when disconnected.The DIY way do you fit a tap on the feel hose to stop the flow?
Do you find any difference in performance from using the 8mm hose reel? Thought that would be hardier especially for traffic etc.

So far not needed as I normally leave the pole connected to to hose apart from when I unload of a night and bring my poles in a secured alarm shed, if you look at the second photo you will see the black connecting stem on the end of the pole hose facing down and locked into place so no dripping or leakage.

Did what Daveyboy said JG connector inch longer than pole, then used a 6mm to 8mm barb with a couple of 'o' rings connecting reel hose to pole hose seen photo.
Got sick of the rectus connections disconnecting especially when the proctaball keep getting caught up on wheelie bin wheels etc.

So far happy with the JG fittings.

If you constantly drag the pole hose everywhere without a care then hose etc will always get snagged, Over the years I have learned ways to overcome issues so it's about adapting to make the working day easier.

If you constantly drag the pole hose everywhere without a care then hose etc will always get snagged, Over the years I have learned ways to overcome issues so it's about adapting to make the working day easier.
Everyone works differently that's the beauty of the forum to share ideas and tips a lot of my work is rural and the hose doesn't really effect my work as not much to snag on but in different areas tugging the hose with or without protctaball getting snag the rectus fitting would pull apart especially when the hose is out at length round corners.

I'm new to tubeless JG I might change my views after a time of using them but so far this week it's working faultless for me so far so good.

I have just recently switched from using JG fittings after well over a year as they leaked like anything within hours.
I add section's as and when needed to my 22ft pole so leaving a good few inches trailing out the bottom, But I now use ez snap fittings with a Exceed ejector sleeve to protect the fittings

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This is strange, as I switched to JGs for the same reason. No matter how I connected my hose to the rectus/ezsnap type fittings I couldn't get them to stay watertight for long. It seemed to me that pvc/pu hose on to metal didn't seal very well no matter how tight I clamped the 'o' rings. I got fed up with water constantly dribbling out of the pole. I find that the JG fittings with barbed tails fitted to the hose lasts much longer before they start to leak. I suppose we each have to try these things for ourselves and go with what works best for us.

Do you find any difference in performance from using the 8mm hose reel? Thought that would be hardier especially for traffic etc.
No, no difference. I always try to park on the custards drive where poss. Rarely use it to cross roads but where I have if a car/refuse truck goes over it, it interrupts the flow momentarily.
