Hi folks for the past couple of weeks I've been umin and arring over buying a new vac.
Got it down to 2.
Skyvac industrial £2500.
Grippa vac £2200.
Looking at all the specs. Pro mo. Vids etc. Was getting wowed by the Skyvac.
Showing it's video for being able to lift 5kg. Wow fantastic I thought.
Got back from work to day giving my vac a wash through an idea came to me to see just how much weight my vac could lift!!
So my misses is not home so into the cupboards I go.
My vac.
ETS I believe.
50mm x 10m hose.
Any way in a bag I managed to lift and hold it's self.
2.5kg bag of potatoes
3 560g tins of potatoes.
2 425g tins of beans
Total lift 5030kg[emoji123]
It just goes to show how much these vacs can lift and you don't have to spend the earth to do the job
If you lift the bag you realise your never going to be lifting any thing as heavy as that out of a gutter!!
So when you have a quiet 5mins have a go to see how much your own vacs can lift so everyone can see exactly what vac can lift what weight.!
No prize sorry for the best lift.!!
It's all in the name of science and saving money.
Thanks.[emoji123] [emoji4]
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Got it down to 2.
Skyvac industrial £2500.
Grippa vac £2200.
Looking at all the specs. Pro mo. Vids etc. Was getting wowed by the Skyvac.
Showing it's video for being able to lift 5kg. Wow fantastic I thought.
Got back from work to day giving my vac a wash through an idea came to me to see just how much weight my vac could lift!!
So my misses is not home so into the cupboards I go.
My vac.
ETS I believe.
50mm x 10m hose.
Any way in a bag I managed to lift and hold it's self.
2.5kg bag of potatoes
3 560g tins of potatoes.
2 425g tins of beans
Total lift 5030kg[emoji123]
It just goes to show how much these vacs can lift and you don't have to spend the earth to do the job
If you lift the bag you realise your never going to be lifting any thing as heavy as that out of a gutter!!
So when you have a quiet 5mins have a go to see how much your own vacs can lift so everyone can see exactly what vac can lift what weight.!
No prize sorry for the best lift.!!
It's all in the name of science and saving money.
Thanks.[emoji123] [emoji4]

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