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HELP!! DIY system not working??


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I have just finished building my 3 stage WFP system (in attached video). When I run water through the system it goes in my 5 micron filter up into my RO but does not come out the outlet of the RO, but high TDS water comes out flush outlet. I thought I had a faulty membrane so i bought a brand new membrane only to have the same issue. IS THERE ANYONE THAT COULD SHED SOME LIGHT ON MY PROBLEM???please and thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽
How are you restricting the waste outlet flow? You should never completely shut off the outlet but you need to restrict it to 'push' water through the membrane.
I assume after your 5 micron filter you have a carbon filter to remove the chlorine as that damages ROs.
It sounds like your water is all diverted to waste. I would hedge a bet you haven’t got any pressure either. Ched is correct about the filters. You need to close the waste valve off (not completely, you want a good mix, anything from 50/50 to 60/40 water to pure) which builds pressure and starts the system purifying.

The video you meant to post would be helpful but to do the above on my RO you turn the tap at the outlet. Mine is a 4040 professional one, I never used a smaller one but I imagine it’s a similar process.

All this aside if you’re serious about getting into this etc you need to consider doing some serious research on YouTube. Purifying water is just the start and there are a tonne of videos on this and how these work. I should hope the manufacturer have some also. RO’s can be the most complicated part but the members on here won’t spoon feed you at every stage. You’ll have to do a bit of research also.

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