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HELP!! DIY system not working??


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I've have recently had the same problem. When fitting the membrane into the housing, make sure the the rubber seal is the same side as the intake. Also the flush waste water outlet is connected to the offset hole the other side of the housing. Inlet water plumbed in to the offset inlet, blank off other hole, inlet side. Hope this helps you. Neil first time posting
Well done, that man. Nice clear drawing.
What membranes did you use and where did you get them from @SayThesqueegeeguy

The thing is that we don't know which part of the world he is in. Judging by the grass, he isn't in the UK. Cleaners tend to use this type of setup in the States. I presume this is either in the southern American states or Australia/New Zealand; just a wild guess.

He could have bought a salt water membrane which requires 600psi for all we know.
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What membranes did you use and where did you get them from @SayThesqueegeeguy

The thing is that we don't know which part of the world he is in. Judging by the grass, he isn't in the UK. Cleaners tend to use this type of setup in the States. I presume this is either in the southern American states or Australia/New Zealand; just a wild guess.

He could have bought a salt water membrane which requires 600psi for all we know.
Good spot, Pyscho Tuna, sticker on the RO, is a Californian brand

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