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I'm lucky enough that I can run an extension lead out to my van without it being a trip hazzard, so a thermoststic plug (£25 off ebay) and two 500w aquarium heaters (£12 each off ebay from Hong kong) in the tank are plenty even for the coldest ***hts. I've also built a pump controller with a frost protection function,.. I put the end of my hose back into my tank so water can re-circulate and when the air temp in the van drops below 3c this gizmo starts the pump and sends warm water round my pump, hoses, reel etc to keep them all free from ice. The reel acts as a radiator, so when the temp climbs above 4c, the gizmo switches off the pump again so as not to waste the battery.
On seriously cold ***hts I leave my gas heater turned on,.. that way every time the pump starts up, the van gets a good warming! I've got my gas heater vented out the roof though, so it can run unattended. If I ever move somewher that I can't run an extension lead, the gas heater alone would be plenty enough to keep the ice away. /emoticons/tongue.png
I also got some 2" insulation board (the type with foam in the middle & foil on both sides, DON'T use the polystyrene one cause its flamable!) and stuck it to my van roof which seemed to make a big difference.
To be honest, I don't think you could do anything more,.. I find that I can work down to about -5 or -6C with a hot system, but more often than not its dangerous to drive by that point (I'm out in the country and they don't grit the roads here.) so is usually the roads that stop me working, not my system!