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How hard is it to get a window cleaner !


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I am trying to get someone to work for me as my dermatitis has gone mad again, how hard is it to get someone !!

Have other people had the same problem ?

get a youngster is my tip, 16-18 . dont take on anybody who says "iv been a window cleaner for many years "- theyre lying

Yes, im going to go down the road of training someone up, gona try and get a bit older than that as ive got a fair bit of commercial work which they would need to be able to drive.

The doctors i use are a waste of time, its a different locum each time i go and they just throw a steroid cream at you and send you on your way. Its the 3rd time ive had a window cleaning business and the 2 previous times ive sold up due to the dermatitis.

I wear the cheap magic gloves as my hands dont really sweat in them but i have to take care not to get them very wet.

Yes, im going to go down the road of training someone up, gona try and get a bit older than that as ive got a fair bit of commercial work which they would need to be able to drive.
The doctors i use are a waste of time, its a different locum each time i go and they just throw a steroid cream at you and send you on your way. Its the 3rd time ive had a window cleaning business and the 2 previous times ive sold up due to the dermatitis.

I wear the cheap magic gloves as my hands dont really sweat in them but i have to take care not to get them very wet.
My hands crack a lot in winter because they are dry. I wear Nitrile gloves, they are like latex but are more comfortable and don't make your hands sweat - get powder free.


Thanks but they are 100% no good for my hands, if i could post a pic of them i would.

I used to put cotton gloves with vinyl over the top

Aldi Magnum is kind to skin . i was using Lidl W5, got slightly itchy skin after 3yrs of that

Thanks but they are 100% no good for my hands, if i could post a pic of them i would.
I used to put cotton gloves with vinyl over the top
Sorry I couldn't help. If it is dermatitis, aren't you coming into contact with something, because it is classed as an allergic condition. I used to work with oil-based products in engineering, and I would get a bad reaction if I had too much contact. Hope you get it sorted.

Who knows when or why it flares up, its something i will never get rid of, i just have to try and manage it the best i can.

get a youngster is my tip, 16-18 . dont take on anybody who says "iv been a window cleaner for many years "- theyre lying
I have been a window cleaner for a few years and i am not lying!

I am trying to get someone to work for me as my dermatitis has gone mad again, how hard is it to get someone !!
Have other people had the same problem ?
I live in West London patrick , where abouts is your work?

Lol oh well never mind, all the best in finding someone, i reckon go to your local job centre, surely there must be someone on the dole you can train up.
The job centre is a good idea Patrick. I had a lad working for me for several years, and then he decided to give it up. He was actually on benefit, but was allowed to work 22 hours a week, which suited me fine. In my search for a replacement, I came across something the job centre do, which is not widely known, and it's like the old job-creation thing that used to be. If I was to take on someone for 25, 30 or more hours a week, they would pay me a subsidy, for example 30 hours would've been £50 a week for six months. After that you need not keep them on if you didn't want to. Of course, you had to be all legal etc. I had three people put forward to me which I interviewed, but, for other reasons I decided not to go with it.

What about changing your work practices a little.

Use a bottle instead of a bucket

Change out your sill cloths and scrims very regularly.

by doing all of this you can go a whole day without even touching the suds.

Then you could go down the route of changing the soap you use, trying out loads of different brands of gloves (sealskins are good in this weather), and maybe using a hand cream like that swiss stuff, not sure what its called but whenever I work with plaster or cement I get bleeding cracks if I don't take care of it.

All thats got to be easier then taking on a member of staff and all the accociated hassles.

wise words from tolish as usual.....something must be aggravating it...i remember years ago going all spotty off a washing powder.../emoticons/biggrin.png

hey tolish just seen your number of messages... get posting ...:thumbsup:sssssshhhhhhhh

wise words from tolish as usual.....something must be aggravating it...i remember years ago going all spotty off a washing powder.../emoticons/biggrin.png
hey tolish just seen your number of messages... get posting ...:thumbsup:sssssshhhhhhhh
About three weeks before my wife had our first baby, I became covered all over in red bumps, I went to the doctor, who called in his partner, and said they didn't know what is was. The day after the baby was born, it disappeared!

Pat I went through over a dozen wasters to get two decent lads.

As for the doctors why do you go? when you sit there and look at them they look more knackered up than you and you want their advice?

On a serious note as a sufferer of psoriasis I will tell you that the product 'Aloe Propolis' works effing wonders. Has cleared me up in as little as two applications before but not cheap, about £15 a tube, but once again to anyone that suffers £15 is nothing for a bit of relief.

Also every morning I use 'Atrixo Barrier hand cream' my mother put me onto this, she used it 25 years in the care industry. It just gives you that bit more of a fighting chance.

Good luck mate, you have my sympathies.
