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I need diy expert advice about cutting hole to the bulkhead


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I need to cut a hole to the bulkhead to fit a drain pipe in my lwb transit connect for carrying wfp pole.

What tools do I need to cut a hole through metal bulkhead, I like to do it right and don't want to make any mistake which I am asking.


easier go to a mecanic or builder pay 20 quid as u need a big cutting circle for a drill and they cost 20-40 for good ones then u need a drill

Drill a load of small holes and then use a half round metal file to smoothe the edges off

Just make sure to mark the hole the correct size but drill the holes inside the line so when filed it is a good fit

u got the same size van as me lol wat u need to put a pole thru the bulhead for ?? that cutter do the trick mate just take your time as them transit bulheads are dense as feck lol
