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I need to produce more pure water.


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so my best bet is a 4040 hf5 , for use without booster pump + 3 filter housing,

message sent eviestevie

hope you an get me going to the next step forward

so my best bet is a 4040 hf5 , for use without booster pump + 3 filter housing,message sent eviestevie

hope you an get me going to the next step forward
As we said on that post, @Eviestevie has high water pressure and his membrane is working fine efficiency wise. We aren't told by Collin's Water what HF the membrane is. They just say its High Flow.

An HF4 membrane is cheaper but needs a higher water pressure. An HF5 can do with a lower water pressure.

If your water pressure is 50 psi as is ours and the membrane Collins supplies is the equivalent of an HF4, then your efficiency won't be as good. But at the price you could try it out and give us a review.

We also noted on that thread that window cleaners do not need the third prefilter housing.


Spruce I'm still learning lots from yourself and other forum members, I know you have mentioned the filter that does both sediment and block carbon, but according to the following link the granular carbon filter does a little more than just remove odour or I'm not reading it correctly, could easily be corrected though lol.


my pressure will prob be as yours Spruce, im going to all vyair tomorrow to loan a pressure gauge to see for sure what my tap pressure is.

ill leave it till then.

Spruce I'm still learning lots from yourself and other forum members, I know you have mentioned the filter that does both sediment and block carbon, but according to the following link the granular carbon filter does a little more than just remove odour or I'm not reading it correctly, could easily be corrected though lol.
I don't know anything about Koi pond water filters, but suppliers such as Vyair sell a variety of carbon block filters to suit different applications.

Here's a filter set for window cleaning

Reverse Osmosis Water Fed Pole Pre Filters - Vyair (UK) Ltd

Here's an offer for a set of 3 prefilters

Replacement Filters for 20" 3 Stage Water Filter - Vyair (UK) Ltd

Notice the carbon block and GAC filter remove chlorine. The GAC filter improves taste. We don't need that benefit as we aren't producing drinking water. I wouldn't drink the water anyway because I don't trust that the resin wash after r/o.

Some say they remove chlorine others don't. If you tell someone they need 3 prefilters, ie. sediment, GAC and carbon block, then why would you advertise the last 2 doing the same. Someone will say that they only need one.

I never had a carbon block in my 450GPD RoMan r/o. It was sediment and GAC. The GAC filter removed chlorine as the membranes lasted 6 years. It was supplied by a wfp window cleaning supplier.

So why would I add another filter if it wasn't necessary for our industry?

I was looking for a filter that would remove chlorine and last a long time. Gardiners started selling the Fiberdyne carbon block (removes chlorine) and a 20" is suitable for servicing 75700 liters of water. In those days that was 3 month's usage. I've used that c/b for nearly 4 years and my 4040 is still performing as it did when I first installed it.

20" Fibredyne CFB PLUS Sediment/Carbon Pre-Filter - Sediment & Carbon Filters - Water Treatment - Pure Water Systems - All Products Gardiner Pole Systems

That's good enough for me.

Thanks Spruce, I'm stilling learning and when reading all this different info gets a little confusing well for me lol learning from others experience like yourself is a great benefit to me to help get things right in first place.

Thanks again.

Thanks Spruce, I'm stilling learning and when reading all this different info gets a little confusing well for me lol learning from others experience like yourself is a great benefit to me to help get things right in first place.Thanks again.
No problem. Once you get into it r/o systems aren't complicated. But when you start off they are, trust me.

I was fortunate in that I bought a trailer with an r/o so got to understand the basics. In those days we used 1/2" hose, no controllers and 3mm jets in the brush head. Ali poles and Vikan brushes. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.

I agree that its best to get it right to begin with. I have spent a fortune upgrading equipment over the years. Although some of the equipment wasn't available back then, having a slow r/o and being short of water stifled our business growth for years.

Some might say that a 4040 is overkill for the average single operator and I admit that it could well be. But you will never be short of water with one. If you don't have enough water you can't work.


The little gpd450 Is more than enough for me at present, but hoping this time next next year I would have outgrown it so I'm almost positive an 4040 will be on the cards, so all info gleamed now will be of benefit in the near future.

The little gpd450 Is more than enough for me at present, but hoping this time next next year I would have outgrown it so I'm almost positive an 4040 will be on the cards, so all info gleamed now will be of benefit in the near future.
If you have enough storage then a 450GPD is fine for a single operator. Even better to add a solenoid valve and float switch so to r/o will switch off automatically when the IBC tank is full. For us this was often in the early hours of the morning.

The problem came for us when son joined us virtually full time. We had to make the best use of what water we had. In other words, if I was going to only use 1/2 a tank of water that day, then I wouldn't fill my van as son would need water in his. This became more of an issue on Thursdays and Fridays. The r/o caught up over the weekend even with me filling my van on Saturday and filling son's van on Sunday for the following week.

Sadly, it relieved the water situation when we couldn't get out due to bad weather. You can't work properly when you get to that situation.


I fill my van each morning then start my RO by the time I'm home In the afternoon, I have plenty for the next day only have 400 litre storage two linked water butts inside a Keter storage cabinet so fitting a float valve isn't possible ATM moment did have the shut down kit and float valve fitted when I only had the one warerbutt, hoping to get a 600 Ibc tank or similar don't want any bigger as got to sit on drive will get a friend of mine to cladd to make it look more pleasing to the eye.
