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Ink type liquid from seals


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I was cleaning a conservatory today an cleaned the windows and there was a ink type liquid pouring from the seals.. Normally I see a bit sometimes on some windows but today was so bad an then once it goes on the white PVC it ends up a right mess..

What is it? An how to get rid of it, an how do you get it off the PVC frames?

Any help would be great

I was cleaning a conservatory today an cleaned the windows and there was a ink type liquid pouring from the seals.. Normally I see a bit sometimes on some windows but today was so bad an then once it goes on the white PVC it ends up a right mess..
What is it? An how to get rid of it, an how do you get it off the PVC frames?

Any help would be great
its is ink dye and it comes out when the rubbers are old and breaking down if i start to see it i make sure not to run a cloth on the rubber

a good way to avoid it stickin on the white is to first scrub the frame with a real soapy mix avoiding touching the rubber .

It will happen every time u clean them Roy

As boarcity said, its the black rubber seal breaking down and simple dying ur solution black.

One thing i do is never pull the solution across the frame after squeegeeing the glass. Just try to squeegee glass then take the squeegee off. U will get the dye on your cloth hear and there and that can then be accidentally wiped across a frame.

If and when u get some of the dye on the frame u have a moment to wipe it off before it stains the plastic. On a very hot day this stains instantly as the solution dries up so quick.

I got a new customer a few months back who had bleeding seals and i could see it on the frames here and there so i rang the bell and told her the situation and sqid i will be very careful not to make it worse but its very hard to stop it altogether.

U will have the black dye on the edge of your squeegee especiqlly if u use a liquidator or modified as u will be running the edge along the seal, so be aware of that too as this will stain the fames or sills if u squeegee them, so wipe it off the edges after u have cleaned these windows.

It is a pain but i have a handfull like that..i have found that since going wfp it isn't a problem and have managed to scrub them until it stops running off black

I think it is the same as oxidised frames that you can eventually wash all the bad stuff off leaving good rubber underneath

Did you use chemicals @Roy ?

I found virosol etc can make old rubbers bleed more until all the mess has been scrubbed off

I only have a couple like that, you have to be careful as mentioned, but if not cif or similar would clean it up you can buy special detergents off windowcleaningcentre too, but I've brought a magic sponge so wonder if that might work? Worth a try

i wfp these jobs u can flush the black out an then there is no staining on the whites u can use upvc solvent to get the black off in conjunction with a magic spung


I have a few like this too! Always wondered why this happened with some seals, interesting to find out what causes it. Makes a mess of my microfibres! Any way of getting the stains out of them in the wash?

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Thanks for the advice everyone, it really does make a mess on everything and the microfibre cloth then you wipe it on the frames and see black marks :confused:

If it is bad get an old applicator and soap it up well

Then scrub the :turd: out of the rubbers until you have taken all the crap out

Then it should be fine
