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Just Bought This - Did I Get A Good Deal?


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Pretty confident on my ability to fix so fingers crossed /emoticons/smile.png

£20 p&p is a bit of a stinger tho, might get a bus to Lowestoft (one goes from where I live, takes 2 and a half hours tho..

Being used and returned probably the membranes would have dried out so they might be knackered too. Also it doesn’t mention the gpd so guessing it’s probably only 100 maybe 200 gpd ro which will be very slow if you get working. Sorry so all in all with split tops aswell not something I would have wanted myself for £56.

the split tops thing isn't ideal, true - I'm planning on fixing it with some kind of Epoxy, any suggestions guys?

the split tops thing isn't ideal, true - I'm planning on fixing it with some kind of Epoxy, any suggestions guys?
You will have to replace the whole housing as I doubt that gluing components together will hold with the water pressure. If it did then I wouldn't trust it as I would hate to come home and find the garage has been flooded out. Each housing is around £20.00 more if clear which you want.

The membranes will probably also need replacing and I would replace both the sediment and carbon block filter as standard. You will also need to get a bag of resin if you haven't already got one.

Personally, I would have bought a brand new 450GPD unit to be honest. Sorry.

Pretty confident on my ability to fix so fingers crossed /emoticons/smile.png

£20 p&p is a bit of a stinger tho, might get a bus to Lowestoft (one goes from where I live, takes 2 and a half hours tho..
Even with the PP still a good deal.
