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Just worked 2 weekends in a row for free


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After that storm around a month ago, there was people getting charged as high as £140 to replace 1 tile from people, which is ripping the absolute urine tbh.

I text the customers that I have and told them if its a few loose tiles or bit of callading then il do it for free as it takes 5 mins to put a tile back in, I have a roof ladder etc so if it's to steep I could still get to them. Told them I don't have everyone's number so if you see damage to a neighbours who I do to let them know and to get in touch.

Got quite a bit more texting me than originally thought and just done everything the past 2 weekends. Only took money for materials and refused all extra cash, tbf every single person did offer but it was declined.

Prices are due up at thr end of the year, I better not hear 1 phucking moan out of any of them.
Well done mate but no way would I be risking my neck up a ladder for no money(or even being paid to do it)....

Have you ever fell off a ladder from height? I have twice and it's scary. I was much younger so luckily I wasn't seriously hurt but I'm 53 now so don't do any ladder work at all (only for the missus with her footing the ladder when clearing our gutters for example)
Well done mate but no way would I be risking my neck up a ladder for no money(or even being paid to do it)....

Have you ever fell off a ladder from height? I have twice and it's scary. I was much younger so luckily I wasn't seriously hurt but I'm 53 now so don't do any ladder work at all (only for the missus with her footing the ladder when clearing our gutters for example)

Never fallen off in over 20 years, if it looks like its not going to be safe then I don't go up it, for getting on the roofs though unless it was jammed into something or dug into the grass I got the customer out to foot it until I was up. I wouldnt go that high on my own unless it was jammed in or dug into the grass.
Although replacing a tile etc isn't really hard work, I certainly felt it on the body last Sunday waking up and the same again this morning with having to push the roof ladder up etc, il feel it for a a couple of days to come, when doing it 3 people have asked me to clean there roofs, I'm going to do 1 a week for the next 3 weeks, just 2 hours when I finish the windows so I don't have to work the weekends doing them.
near me is
a friend trying to get rid of his stash of roof tiles i dont know where you are yogi but i can get you them all for free-theres a good tranny tipper truck load mostly new modern typeyt55554.jpg
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