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Ladder clamps best way round?


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I'm going to buy some me thinks £46 on eBay will let you all know if my ladders fall off and kill someone /emoticons/smile.pngbuy some load stops as well. impossible to fall off then.But use them on the inside of the stiles then ladders can't move sideways or forwards/backwards. Attach them with the slopes facing outwards so ladders are easier to get on and off. Found that out the hard way,trial and error.

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My review on rhino clamps in a few words

Sooo easy to use , very strong will never come off and much quicker !! I would highly recommend getting them now and throw the old fashioned spiny clamps they are rubbish /emoticons/smile.png

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cheers Neil, the vast majority of my work is compacted in local estates where i tend to drive a few hundred yards at a time to relocated the van, for these short hops from road to road, where I'm not going near any main roads or high traffic areas I have been lobbing the ladders on with one threaded clamp. which has been working fine. but i like the added saftly of the rhinos, think i may invest in the next shopping spree.

I tried the one clamp technique years back. Never again, the ladder was rocking like a blinkin seesaw. I've also forgot to clamp ladders whilst on the roof bars and drive off (did it last week :confused:) also left ladders at the last house in the past :oops:

I only need to use one ladder clamp now with me Bri-Stor Easi-Load Ladder Roof Rack:rolleyes:

Mind you I do get some funny looks when I drop me tube box down.

I keep telling ppl when they as ask "it's a bazooka for ppl that don't pay" /emoticons/biggrin.png

cheers Neil, the vast majority of my work is compacted in local estates where i tend to drive a few hundred yards at a time to relocated the van, for these short hops from road to road, where I'm not going near any main roads or high traffic areas I have been lobbing the ladders on with one threaded clamp. which has been working fine. but i like the added saftly of the rhinos, think i may invest in the next shopping spree.
100% worth getting mate I luv them can't believe how easy it makes everything, one thing though put the clamps In you can if you have taken the ladder off to do a job as I think there might be some tea leafs that would want to get there hands on these badboys

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[quote="Tuffers, post:

I've also forgot to clamp ladders whilst on the roof bars and drive off (did it last week :confused:) also left ladders at the last house in the past :oops:

When you take the clamps off, place them on the drivers seat or in the footwell.....

That way, you won't forget your ladders or drive off without securing them.

top tip bingo, i always do this since the first & only time i drove off without clamping the ladders.

I have rhino clamps, and no problems. They are certainly faster than my traditional laddder clamps.

The Rhino clamps came with instructions to put the open part of the hook forward. If you concider momentium and how the ladders winn move in a crash, it makes sense to have the hooks forward as the ladders will go forward in a crash and thus this is the safer way of clampping them and keeping the ladders in the roof rack in a crash.

I stopped at an accident many moons ago where a canoe fell off a multi canoe trailer and went striate through the windscreen of a car behind it killing the driver. You could say the unlucky chap was up ***** creek without a paddle /emoticons/biggrin.png

Don't you get done for manslaughter if your ladders come off your roof rack whilst driving and kill someone?

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