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Leak from RO.


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Herts/nw London
Got a water leak from the RO housing.
Have taken RO apart and checked everything is as it should be.
Leaks when filling up, filled a 25 litre bucket while filling a 300 litre tank.
Any suggestions please?
Is the rubber seal still in place? If your desperate for watwr head down to screwfix and get some lock tite that should seal it then orders new housing
@penfold I don't have my RO anymore but it's usually because it's not quite sealed. May sound obvious but make sure the threads don't have any dirt or grit on them, and you can put a little bit of silicone grease around the threads which helps the seal and also makes them easier to undo in the future 👍
Thanks for the replies.
checked everything was as it should be and put the RO back together, was still leaking so have taken it apart again and double checked everything, now cant get the white rings back in place, any tips/hints as never had this before.
Thanks for the replies.
checked everything was as it should be and put the RO back together, was still leaking so have taken it apart again and double checked everything, now cant get the white rings back in place, any tips/hints as never had this before.
Have you got the white spiral locking rings?

If so imagine them as a large keyring and start by sliding the thin tapered end into the housing groove and slide it into place while working your way around the inner circumference of the housing wall until it stays in place and retains the membrane