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Need help pricing big job (8 flats)


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Impossible to quote from those pictures buddy.
For example is it just what you can see in the pictures?
Simplest way is to work out how long you think it will take you and multiply the hours by how much you want to make per hour.
Other factors are what’s your travel time to this job?
Are you already busy or scratching for work?
What’s the frequency?
And loads of other variables that others will probably point out.
We really need more information, are they wanting you to climb over balconies and clean the patio doors, inside and out of the balcony glass or just what you can reach from the floor. If it's all of it then I'd be after my day rate, otherwise I'd be walking away.
We really need more information, are they wanting you to climb over balconies and clean the patio doors, inside and out of the balcony glass or just what you can reach from the floor. If it's all of it then I'd be after my day rate, otherwise I'd be walking away.
Whats your day rate if you dont mind me asking
Definitely looks like a pita job to me , wouldn’t want it at any cost , access issues will be a night and will take much longer to get to the windows than clean them . Never worth the hassle for 8 flats
Help. what would you charge

location finchley, london.

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I love these posts. We would charge differently as we have have experience with the task in hand and pricing

We can tell you a price as we don't know the access, location from home to job

It's your business, take some risks and make up a price based on what you believe is fair

Many of us when we started out took mega risks and failed regularly until we got it right

Be self reliant and hone your skills
Your livelihood and income not our
8 flats isn’t a big job but what this job looks like is awkward.

What’s the frequency?I’m guessing it’s in a ULEZ and congestion zone?

How are they expecting you to access the different flat roof areas?

If they’re hot on health and safety this could add time to.

These are just some of the questions you need to ask before putting a price together