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New brush compared to used brush


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Well-known member
Stockport, Cheshire
Just thought I'd share my experience.  I have been using my old brush for 10 months without changing it.  I decided to just get a new one as it must be past its best.

As soon as I started using the new one I immediately noticed the difference.  The old one had rounded at the corners, what I hadn't realised is how much I had adjusted my cleaning technique to get in the corners of the glass.  With the new brush being square getting in the corners is instant, it's just like bang straight in the corner no tilting the brush on its edge to get the bristles to touch.  I'd say it's saving me 30 minutes to an hour every day [5 hour ish day] having the new brush.

Another thing I've noticed is the scrubbing power.  I don't get much dirt on the glass but bird muck comes off virtually on first pass with the new brush.  Frames are looking that little bit whiter as well.

The length of the bristles are also a little bit longer so it hugs better around things like the window frames of windows that open out, door hinges etc.

From now on I think I'll be ordering a new brush at least every 8 weeks.  The problem is you get used to the brush and don't notice it slowly degrading over time and that degradation is slightly slowing you down each month.

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I think that a brush has reasonable life span of three to six months, after that you are losing speed as it no longer has bite.

I suppose it depends which brush and how much/type of work you are doing.
??lets just say we don’t sit in the vans drinking tea ??? we use the supreame stiff and hot  water I think the hot water shortens the life of any brush to be honest , we have tried practically every brush on the market I have destroyed some brushes in a couple of days ??and spent literally thousands of pounds on brushes trying this and that . 

??lets just say we don’t sit in the vans drinking tea ??? we use the supreame stiff and hot  water I think the hot water shortens the life of any brush to be honest , we have tried practically every brush on the market I have destroyed some brushes in a couple of days ??and spent literally thousands of pounds on brushes trying this and that . 
Ever considered that you might just be heavy handed? ?

I can see where hot might shorten the life of a brush.

Ever considered that you might just be heavy handed? ?

I can see where hot might shorten the life of a brush.
It’s not heavy handed ??? never had this problem when we used cold water , but brushes theses days are as good as they used to be , I remember having Vikan  sill brushes and they lasted 2:5 years and we only replaced them then as they were badly scratched they were still ok for cleaning , the problem is the weight of them like having a whale on the end  of the pole ????

Just thought I'd share my experience.  I have been using my old brush for 10 months without changing it.  I decided to just get a new one as it must be past its best.

As soon as I started using the new one I immediately noticed the difference.  The old one had rounded at the corners, what I hadn't realised is how much I had adjusted my cleaning technique to get in the corners of the glass.  With the new brush being square getting in the corners is instant, it's just like bang straight in the corner no tilting the brush on its edge to get the bristles to touch.  I'd say it's saving me 30 minutes to an hour every day [5 hour ish day] having the new brush.

Another thing I've noticed is the scrubbing power.  I don't get much dirt on the glass but bird muck comes off virtually on first pass with the new brush.  Frames are looking that little bit whiter as well.

The length of the bristles are also a little bit longer so it hugs better around things like the window frames of windows that open out, door hinges etc.

From now on I think I'll be ordering a new brush at least every 8 weeks.  The problem is you get used to the brush and don't notice it slowly degrading over time and that degradation is slightly slowing you down each month.

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That o ring needs changing as well ?

Xtreme tapertec for me lasts 6-12months every day cleaning + some fascias etc 

what the hell you cleaning to need to replace em every 8 weeks roofs?!

Jeeez aren’t the supreme meant to last longer ? They’re a lot heavier than the one I use I think I went for lightest option mine had the lowest life span but mine seems to have lasted and still performing well!

saying that I somehow got a gluey sticky substance on a corner of it last week on two sets of bristles that will need some attention before going back at it!

Jeeez aren’t the supreme meant to last longer ? They’re a lot heavier than the one I use I think I went for lightest option mine had the lowest life span but mine seems to have lasted and still performing well!

saying that I somehow got a gluey sticky substance on a corner of it last week on two sets of bristles that will need some attention before going back at it!
I tried an extream stiff the other week and it lasted 2 weeks and was so badly distorted with the bristles it’s unusable and that’s with 55 degree water at the boiler not the brush ???. There are no brushes out there that will last 6 months with hot water , we have tried them all , I just allow for the cost of replacing brushes every 8 weeks or so now , the only thing that will last longer are the Vikan  range but they are just way to heavy . 

I use stiff with cold to remove really stubborn stuff.  I tend to always use the stiff with cold unless its winter (hot then) for first cleans. The stiff brush just blasts through filth. Hot water has ruined a lot of my brushes.

Best brush for longevity is super lite Dupont lasted just about a year! Onto ultimate now won't last as long but a little lighter

Xtreme Tec hybrid still fine after 6 months. Stubborn bird **** still comes off nearly as well as brand new!

Buying some later on and Looking at the weights Of them and using the hybrid tapertec for 6months I’ll only be buying Xtreme from now on

will get a stiff one to try for fascia and conny roofs 


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