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Pole sticking


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what wfp have you got?i would recommend a silicon spray not wd40.plumbers merchants sell it.its a dry silicon spray,or gardiners sell it but its more expensive.

My Pole extension keeps sticking making it difficult to extend. Has anyone else had this issue or have any ideas of how to resolve?
What make of pole is it? Is there dirt between the extensions? Or if it's a Gardiners pole, has the stop tape been chewed up?

What make of pole is it? Is there dirt between the extensions? Or if it's a Gardiners pole, has the stop tape been chewed up?
That stop tape idea is terrible, I had a pole jam once with it stuck between 2 sections, took 2 of us 20 mins to pull them apart nearly gave up, just paint lines on now.

I find when my pole gets stuck a bit of saliva or ky really do the trick the wife doesn't like the feel of the silicon....***** I just keep forgetting what site I'm on must remember to only go on the sex one at night lol......
