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Ppm rising a lot quicker than normal


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Hi guys as a complete novice I have noticed that my ppm is going up a lot quicker than usual and I'm putting a lot more resin in then I have done in the past I've put brand-new resin filled the tank up last week then filled it up again this morning and noticed that my ppm was 20 any idea guys !

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We presume that the system you got from Baileys has a 4040 r/o @Amos.

You need to take a reading of your tap water and then a reading of the pure water coming out from the r/o BEFORE the di vessel. That will tell you the state of your membrane.

If the membrane isn't working efficiently then your resin use will increase.

As @doug atkinson says, its your membranes that are causing high resin use.

When you are purifying water how much waste do you have to the amount of pure you produce? Is it 1 liter of waste to 1 liter of pure for example?

When did you last change your carbon filter?

I like MB 115 tulsion , its a good quality ! Heard bad things about unger though ... i dont know how much you fill your resin vessel but ive had good exp. In not filling higher than to where it starts to bend at the top.

Right please bear with me spruce , how do I gauge how much waste and amount of pure water ?

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You could time how long it takes you to produce 1 liter of pure water after your r/o or di vessel and then time how long it takes to fill a liter container with waste water. Please can you take a photo of your r/o system as @doug atkinson has asked.

Can you do a side view as well as looking at that photo I don't know if your waste bottom and pure top are joined together. On the photo it looks like it but may be wrong
