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PRF ro system or 4021 ro system ??


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Well-known member
East sussex
Spending as much on business as I can in the next week rather than give it to Mr Tax man [emoji49] next year!

Want to upgrade my ro system and spend up to £400 on this item

I use around 350 litres of pure a day

Water pressure is 60 psi and would rather not use a booster pump.

If anyone uses either of these ro systems any advice would be good. Thanks

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4040 all the way, you'll only want to upgrade a little down the line anyway. I have both, never used the PRF - new membranes aren't much different in price depending on what brand you go for. Production rates are far greater on the 4040 as well as the rejection %. If your not far away from burton On Trent I have a merlin you can have for £35, it needs new membranes (£150) but - personally - I would ignore the 4021 and PRF and pick up a 4040. Think I have a 4040 spare somewhere too...... time for a clear out I think - thanks for the reminder!!!

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