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South Shields
Hi, I've attached a few photos of 2 houses I've been asked to give a price to clean, a builders clean then a price for a monthly clean.
I've not priced any this big help wound be appreciated.
They are situated in Durham in the North East.
First 2 images are one house and the second 2 are next door.
How long do you think it will take you to do it ? What ever you think add 50% . Then work out per hour what you want to earn , and for a builders clean add a fair bit to it .
As for a regular clean again work out how long it will take and then your hourly rate and you have a price , we can’t tell you what to charge as we don’t know the area. @Part Timer is near you he should have some idea what ones will pay in that area , it looks like a posh expensive house to me 😂
Id probably ask for £50 too tbh, or very close to it, id climb the balcony too tbh though.
£50 for a builders clean ? How long would you expect it to take you ! Surely a regular monthly clean should be considerably more than that regardless of ware it is in the country ? That’s a big house with balustrade
£50 for a builders clean ? How long would you expect it to take you ! Surely a regular monthly clean should be considerably more than that regardless of ware it is in the country ? That’s a big house with balustrade
My price is a maintenance clean, never got involved with builders cleans. It' only looks an hours work and you wouldn't usually get that as an hourly rate up here
How long do you think it will take you to do it ? What ever you think add 50% . Then work out per hour what you want to earn , and for a builders clean add a fair bit to it .
As for a regular clean again work out how long it will take and then your hourly rate and you have a price , we can’t tell you what to charge as we don’t know the area. @Part Timer is near you he should have some idea what ones will pay in that area , it looks like a posh expensive house to me 😂

I didn't read the builders part. I I wouldn't entertain it as a builders clean unless I really needed the work.
I’m south west but it’s d be just shy of £500 for a builders clean (builders to me is normally in/out and reveals) depending how bad they are - usually bad!
You’ll need to state in your quote that you don’t accept responsibility for any scratches revealed by the cleaning and also ask for written confirmation from the PM or QS whether any chemical can be used on the glass - some coatings can be soap only if hi h might slow you down
Regular cleans I wouldn’t do for less than £65
I’m south west but it’s d be just shy of £500 for a builders clean (builders to me is normally in/out and reveals) depending how bad they are - usually bad!
You’ll need to state in your quote that you don’t accept responsibility for any scratches revealed by the cleaning and also ask for written confirmation from the PM or QS whether any chemical can be used on the glass - some coatings can be soap only if hi h might slow you down
Regular cleans I wouldn’t do for less than £65

How long would it take you to do ?.
They are going to be worth around £1 million each for those houses, I'd want around £60 for a monthly clean but I wouldn't be doing touching the windows over the balconies I'd clean the fronts of the panels, they'd probably be able to get there cleaner to do the windows over the balconies.

As for a builders clean if they want stickers removing from the glass that will double the price or more if you are needing to go up a ladder.

Also factor in travel time if you get the regular clean.

I'd move this thread to the members only section or delete the photos as there is lads near me will find these houses and go and charge peanuts, I'm only 10 minutes from Durham..
I’m south west but it’s d be just shy of £500 for a builders clean (builders to me is normally in/out and reveals) depending how bad they are - usually bad!
You’ll need to state in your quote that you don’t accept responsibility for any scratches revealed by the cleaning and also ask for written confirmation from the PM or QS whether any chemical can be used on the glass - some coatings can be soap only if hi h might slow you down
Regular cleans I wouldn’t do for less than £65

7 Hours you think ?. Just over £71 an hour you would be billing them for cleaning windows, taking all the risk away with stating your not liable for any scratches caused. Doctors don't get £71 an hour.

Sole trader sparks,joiners, that you have to do apprenticeships for don't charge as much as that.yet something that takes a few weeks to learn prices above them. I take it your a Ltd company going off they daily earnings.
as soon as i read the word BUILDERS then im walking the other way
oh i know iv done builders in the past,so im a hypocrit , or a socretise - scrotumise, scrutinise <you want to do that . i cannae remember that correct word -
damn lucky i was one house every window was scratched up -and i said nothing,,,, if id told them look what iv found ....what if they said it was me ,would have put me- and my darling dad right under . think of how much that would cost to renew the windows there? £10k is my opening gambit ,have you got that to lose??
7 Hours you think ?. Just over £71 an hour you would be billing them for cleaning windows, taking all the risk away with stating your not liable for any scratches caused. Doctors don't get £71 an hour.
Fairly certain Doctors get well over that amount, also, if you're established, on one off jobs you should be aiming for at least double your hourly rate. On our work in the South we average over that amount.
7 Hours you think ?. Just over £71 an hour you would be billing them for cleaning windows, taking all the risk away with stating your not liable for any scratches caused. Doctors don't get £71 an hour.

Sole trader sparks,joiners, that you have to do apprenticeships for don't charge as much as that.yet something that takes a few weeks to learn prices above them. I take it your a Ltd company going off they daily earnings.
Up to you what you charge, I wouldn’t be less than a pound a minute for a little bungalow tbh, even those are £15 for a 10 minute job, seems normal round here .

For the builders stuff if you don’t stipulate you will not accept liability for scratches, at some point someone will try and burn you for something that’s not your fault.
You will find that you clean the layer of thick dust and render slime off and you’ll find scratches from installation, bad on site handling, marks where someone has been grinding metal nearby and the sparks have damaged the glass, scratches on anodised frames from a damp gritty rag that someone wiped round with, scratches from labourer removing stickers before scaff comes down cos they’re helping you out on a ladder ban site - the list is endless!

Also if you’re quoting well in advance, (sometimes a QS will want a price for the spreadsheet before the units are out of the ground) you need to say the price is based on some assumptions as to what you think is acceptable - I always state “price does not include removal of excessive heavy deposits of render/sealant/silicon/paint, where this is apparent when we arrive on site we will advise on any extra work required and seek agreement from the site manager or project manager” - usually they are behind schedule and will agree to anything 😂 but you must give yourself options!

As a for example - on an internal clean for a large gallery the painters had been back in to snag after the protection was removed and there was speckles of paint everywhere, in the end the increase in window cleaning cost was deducted from the painters invoice.

Most sites are quite happy paying £20/22 + vat just for someone to sweep up and clean the loos during normal hours, big sites will pay £30-40 out of hours, if you’re running your own business you’re worth a lot more.
7 Hours you think ?. Just over £71 an hour you would be billing them for cleaning windows, taking all the risk away with stating your not liable for any scratches caused. Doctors don't get £71 an hour.

Sole trader sparks,joiners, that you have to do apprenticeships for don't charge as much as that.yet something that takes a few weeks to learn prices above them. I take it your a Ltd company going off they daily earnings.
We don’t do builders cleans anymore unless it’s for special clients and we would be considerably more than that per day and yes never had any issues getting that 8-10 years ago , we would be £125 at least for outsides only on a regular monthly clean
I don't bother with builders cleans or the like. For me that a £50 or £60 regular clean, maybe a tenner more if its over 6 weekly.
My price is a maintenance clean, never got involved with builders cleans. It' only looks an hours work and you wouldn't usually get that as an hourly rate up here
To put it in perspective…. I moved from near Cambridge back to the N/East….my house now, if it was on my old round I would charge £25. ….. the other day I had a newbie quote me £4!!!! up here!

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