Hi, New to this site and hope someone can help.
I am looking at an issue with a Pure Freedom digital controller. It just turns itself on intermittently and winds up to 99. Sometimes it will wind downand turn off ok, others you have to remove the power.
Then it seems to work fine for a while.
I cant seem to find a cct diagram, and there isnt much to replace/rapair anyway.
Went through a CAL sequence and it seemed ok for a while, then started turning on again of its own accord.
Any idea's?
I am looking at an issue with a Pure Freedom digital controller. It just turns itself on intermittently and winds up to 99. Sometimes it will wind downand turn off ok, others you have to remove the power.
Then it seems to work fine for a while.
I cant seem to find a cct diagram, and there isnt much to replace/rapair anyway.
Went through a CAL sequence and it seemed ok for a while, then started turning on again of its own accord.
Any idea's?