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Pump pressure


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J and S

Well-known member
Had my new system for a couple of weeks now.

One thing I notice is when I change barrels on the trolley when I open pole valve again the pressure on the jets is quite low for 2 or 3 minutes before the pump clears the airlock and kicks in with full pressure.

Any way of bleeding system quickly.

Sorry no it's not but it means undoing it with a screwdriver then re tightening it again which will quickly knacker the jubilee clip.

Does the hose that leaves the output side of your pump have a connection that your reel or pole hose connects to? If so disconnect here. If it is a water stop connector you'll need to poke your finger in it or something.

What I've done is fit a JG straight connector in my pole hose about six inches from where it connects to the trolley. When I put a new barrel on, I disconnect the hose at the JG connector and turn pump to flat out. It clears the airlock in less than 5 secs.

OK. Then cut your pole or reel hose that connects into it about six inches from the male rectus fitting and fit a JG connector for easy disconnect but with no waterstop feature. Your going for as little back pressure as possible whilst the pump is clearing the airlock. If your hose is too big to go directly into a JG connector you'll need to fit a push fit stem to barb JG adapter in each end of your hose. These are available from Gardiner Poles.

Push-Fit 8mm to 8mm Straight Connector - Metric Fittings - John Guest Fittings - Hose Fittings & Adapters - Pump & Hose - All Products Gardiner Pole Systems

Metric Fittings Gardiner Pole Systems

Gardiner Water Fed Pole Hose Gardiner Pole Systems

If you are using pvc or pu hose you won't need the stem to barb fittings


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Just disconnect from the push fit connector to leave an open end to clear airlock?

How does the push fit stay connected when water is flowing through it....sorry for all the questions but new to WFP.

Also managed to put my 20m extension hose down somewhere last Friday and come Monday when I look in van it's not there...not sure where I left...deep joy.

A close up shot might help explain


When you push the hose in there are little teeth inside that grip the hose when you try to pull it out. When you push the ring into the fitting the teeth are pushed back releasing the hose. It's less than 1mm of movement but it's all that's is necessary


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