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Reel Inside Or Outside Of Van....? + Hose Guide


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Hi everyone.

The past year from using the WFP system, ive been putting the hose reel connected to the back of my van strapped in securely..but just thinking what would be the best to have the reel left out of the van while working with it or to have it in the van... sometimes can be awkward when its strapped in the back when your trying to reel the hose out on a tight corner.... any ideas greatly appreciated /emoticons/smile.png

What do you find best?

Plus does anyone use any hose guides? wondering if I should get some?

I have mine outside so i can point it in the direction i am working thought about fixing it in the back of van but i cant always park up how i want

in tight corners i pull the hose out in the opposite direction tell i know i have enough to reach where i going then walk back. i have the hoseon the ground as i use a trolley and get every thing i need out then lock my car. (be desperate to nick my gear)

This is what i do mate:

I pull all the hose out and walk to the back of the garden * (all ways start at the back of the house) then i can lock the van with my hose in it... my door just traps the hose a little bit but i can still lock it and water flow is still normal /emoticons/wink.png

oo cool cheers for the posts /emoticons/wink.png

Seen hose guides for sale that you can use for the hose in the van, but I think i might start putting it on the floor

I had my reel outside for years - just point it the direction I needed. I switched to having it mounted in the van because all that lifting in and out of the van & winding when the reel was down at floor level started giving me a pain in my elbow. Now I have it mounted just inside the back door & installed a roller guide in the back door, so I can go 90degrees to either side easy enough. It also lets me work with the van locked completely - handy for some of the rougher areas by me!

i have a van scured hose reels, save moving them all the time and if the hose locks up for some reason it dont pull over the reel! i have hose rollers too!

Mine gets lifted in and out, as mark said you can poi t in whatever directiong you need to pull it out. Still need to leave doors open tho, which I think I'm just going to drill a hole in the back door behind number plate and try out number plate on hinges or something..

did do, but thats only if i ran my tank dry, have now fitted non return values before each of my pumps and now its all fine.

you get them if there is a small leak in your sysetem somewhere or your run ur tank dry!

yeh that must be it then the tank ran out midday in week had to go back and top up had air bubble since , been having to turn pump up this kill the battery alot faster.
one way to solve this is to take off the hose, and just run the pump into a bucket, then once that is running fine re-conncet the hose and let the water pump through, that should clear it!!

I have my hose in the van attached to a secured plate that swivels... I feed the hose through either side of the van... On each side of the van there is a hole where it has been cut out big enough for the hose to go through... The holes in the van are covered with a plate that has small roller balls so the cable never snaggs... Professionally done I might add :) looks very neat.

Works brilliantly...
