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I have a low pressure membrane axeon my tap water is 390 ppm. After passing through the 2 pre filters and membrane it's 70 ppm. Not sure what my water pressure from the tap is. I know we have low water pressure we on top of a hill.
I am going through so much resin.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have a low pressure membrane axeon my tap water is 390 ppm. After passing through the 2 pre filters and membrane it's 70 ppm. Not sure what my water pressure from the tap is. I know we have low water pressure we on top of a hill.
I am going through so much resin.
Any help would be appreciated.
@Chris B I'm not an expert mate but 70ppm after RO for you is about 18% of 390. That sounds a bit high. I'm just in the process of doing RO myself and from memory where I lived before I had a TDS of 270-280 which came down to about 12 or 13. If you have a garden tap you can buy a washing machine pressure tester from Screwfix, screw it on, turn on the tap and that will tell you. I had low pressure (about 30) so used a pumped RO. How big is you resin vessel after the RO mate?
Hi. I am not sure of the size of the di vessel they about 18 inches tall and 6-7inches wide I have 2 fitted.
I have flushed the new membrane for 4 hrs and still the same. I had originally flushed it for 1hr before the first test.
I have just brought the water genie booster pump in a box which will boost it up to 105 psi.
Where should I install this?
I have a pure freedom system with 2 prefilters attached.
Should it be between the last prefilled and Ro. Or before the 2 prefilters?
@chrisb2 your RO sounds like a bit of monster compared to my little one. I have just installed a new small RO today and my tds from the tap is 270 and after RO is 14. Something doesn't sound right there mate. You may get some luck if you gone the facebook groups and post a couple of photos. Of course well worth contacting pure freedom too. Do any YouTube window cleaners have similar systems to the one you have so you can see the set up?
Did you buy your RO membrane from Pure Freedom by any chance? I ask this because I've just fitted a new membrane. I've had my previous one (from Pure Freedom) for the last 4.5 years. When I first installed it I was exactly like you. With a tap pressure of 60psi it was only bringing a TDS of 380ppm ish down to 75ppm ish. I've had nothing but stress for the last 4.5 year regarding my tap TDS and producing pure water with such a lousy performing RO.

HOWEVER...I've just installed a new one...NOT from Pure Freedom I might add. Same pressure, same TDS of 380ppm. New RO brings it down to 10ppm! I'm now convinced the RO I got from Pure Freedom all those years ago was faulty. It says on their website each individual membrane is tested. hmmm. Was it faulty? Was it installed correctly? I'm pretty sure it was so WHY was it (and yours) performing so poorly?? These are the questions I have been asking myself since I installed the new one.

If it's new and you've definitely installed it correctly etc...get on the phone to your supplier and explain cos it's not right it's performing that poorly. I wish I had they might of replaced it and saved me a LOT of hassle.
Did you buy your RO membrane from Pure Freedom by any chance? I ask this because I've just fitted a new membrane. I've had my previous one (from Pure Freedom) for the last 4.5 years. When I first installed it I was exactly like you. With a tap pressure of 60psi it was only bringing a TDS of 380ppm ish down to 75ppm ish. I've had nothing but stress for the last 4.5 year regarding my tap TDS and producing pure water with such a lousy performing RO.

HOWEVER...I've just installed a new one...NOT from Pure Freedom I might add. Same pressure, same TDS of 380ppm. New RO brings it down to 10ppm! I'm now convinced the RO I got from Pure Freedom all those years ago was faulty. It says on their website each individual membrane is tested. hmmm. Was it faulty? Was it installed correctly? I'm pretty sure it was so WHY was it (and yours) performing so poorly?? These are the questions I have been asking myself since I installed the new one.

If it's new and you've definitely installed it correctly etc...get on the phone to your supplier and explain cos it's not right it's performing that poorly. I wish I had they might of replaced it and saved me a LOT of hassle.
Yes I have always brought them from there.
Hi. I am not sure of the size of the di vessel they about 18 inches tall and 6-7inches wide I have 2 fitted.
I have flushed the new membrane for 4 hrs and still the same. I had originally flushed it for 1hr before the first test.
I have just brought the water genie booster pump in a box which will boost it up to 105 psi.
Where should I install this?
I have a pure freedom system with 2 prefilters attached.
Should it be between the last prefilled and Ro. Or before the 2 prefilters?
PureFreedom fit a booster pump after the prefilters and before the membrane.

When using a booster pump, you need to monitor the condition of your prefilters. The most important one is your sediment filter. A burst water main can block your sediment filter up very quickly and starve the booster pump of water. Been there, although it wasn't with a booster pump.
I have a low pressure membrane axeon my tap water is 390 ppm. After passing through the 2 pre filters and membrane it's 70 ppm. Not sure what my water pressure from the tap is. I know we have low water pressure we on top of a hill.
I am going through so much resin.
Any help would be appreciated.
390–70 = 320
320 divided by 390 = 0.82
0.82 x 100 = 82%
Or 100–18 = 82% as per @Scrubsy

Your rejection rate is 82%. One of our suppliers used to say the once your rejection rate drops to 94%, it is time to replace your membrane.
I have an HF5 membrane which will be 11 years old next month. It is still producing water at a 97% rejection rate. Our water pressure is 50 to 55psi, tap water tds is around 125ppm, and I don't have a booster pump.

IMHO you need to complain to PF. I don't know where they get this that each membrane is tested. Yes, probably after manufacture and before they add preservative and seal it into packaging, but that doesn't mean much. The membrane packing mustn't be damaged. If it is, then the membrane is 'toast.'
if it's this one https://purefreedom.co.uk/products/pure-freedom-hi-production-40-membrane?variant=43771971797166 this has an operating pressure of 6.9 bar which is 100psi this isn't a low-pressure membrane at all. There is not enough spec provided to make a judgement for me to be parting with £258
That isn't an Axeon membrane. P/F have their label on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes from a Chinese supplier. WCW once sold a cheap membrane where the rejection rate was advised at 80% in the small print.

Not a company I have any faith in purchasing consumables from, sorry. Their manufactured stuff, probably, but there have been too many windies who have reported issues with consumables over the years.
Well...I'll be buying everything consumable from Doug at Daqua from here. I have a PF system so anything system related I'll obviously have to go to them but filters etc...forget it as I'm now very much questioning their quality standards of these items. That's both me and @chrisb with the same problem. Common problem or coincidence?

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