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RO sysytem help


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I do around 70 properties per month but now I’m finding this is increasing. At the moment I have a 300 gpd RO. My water is 320 at the tap but my water pressure is garbage, around 25psi so takes an age to fill up. 

Is there anyway to improve this and will an upgrade in system help  Thanks

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I do around 70 properties per month but now I’m finding this is increasing. At the moment I have a 300 gpd RO. My water is 320 at the tap but my water pressure is garbage, around 25psi so takes an age to fill up. 

Is there anyway to improve this and will an upgrade in system help  Thanks
Is this going into a storage tank and then pumped into van / barrels. My psi is 23 and have a booster pump that boosts it to 100. I have a 40/40 though. I'm sure @Iron Giant has something similar to yours with a booster pump.  

Is this going into a storage tank and then pumped into van / barrels. My psi is 23 and have a booster pump that boosts it to 100. I have a 40/40 though. I'm sure @Iron Giant has something similar to yours with a booster pump.  
Thanks. At the moment I’m just going into 25l barrels but may look at a larger storage. 

Neither am I on the smaller R/O's as I've only ever had a 40/40, that's why I tagged IG in but by a previous post he might be asleep now. Fairly sure someone that uses a GPD R/O will pick this up soon. 
Nope still awake not long got back from the allotment. 

@Jay18 I have 450gpd R/O my tap tds is usually around 60-70ppm my water pressure fluctuates so I run a booster pump on a timer switch 45 minutes on 15 minutes off my pure goes into a storage tank, your tap tds really isn't great for a smaller R/O system so a extra membrane or two would help and a  booster pump, I have this https://purefreedom.co.uk/24v-aquatec-reverse-osmosis-booster-pump-power-supply.html  with psi of 125 but was warned by @doug atkinson that it wasn't suitable as it was to much pressure from the pump I think it was but I have stuck with it this one https://www.finest-filters.co.uk/200gpd-reverse-osmosis-ro-booster-pump/ as it is rated at a lower psi of 70 

My output from my R/O is poor despite decent water pressure of about 60psi most of the time the booster pump doubles the output but still takes 6 hours to produce around 350ltrs of pure, something is Pete tong with mine somewhere as @THL4KEL has 300gpd I think and he can produce pure faster than me without a booster pump and we live in the same town on the same water supply.

Can you recommend an upgrade, would that be say a 600gpd? Sorry not up on this subject. 
If you have 3 membrane housings you can just change the membranes to 150gpd. If you have a tap that you use to adjust the amount of water to waste then this will need a slight tweak.

If you have an r/o with 2 housings then you will need an upgrade kit to make it 3. I would suggest you replace the old membranes with new 150gpd ones.


At 25psi you need a booster pump. You will also need an IBC storage tank and possibly a transfer pump and hose.

300gpd to 450gpd is a 50% increase. Add a booster pump and it will be even more than 50% on what its producing now. (I hope that makes sense to you because it doesn't to me.)

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Hello all. My tap water is 280ppm. I’m coming out of RO at 49ppm. Then finishing with a DI. Is 280 down to 49ppm ok for an RO? 
You're only removing 82.5% of the impurities and it should really be between 96-98% so the TDS after R/O should be 11 or below. This could be the membrane needs replacing or your water pressure is to low. 

You're only removing 82.5% of the impurities and it should really be between 96-98% so the TDS after R/O should be 11 or below. This could be the membrane needs replacing or your water pressure is to low. 
Awesome, thanks for the advice guys. I’ve got a booster pump. It’s going through the RO at 85psi. It is a second hand Merlin RO unit, so maybe the membrane needs replacing. Will run it for a bit to see if it comes down first ??

Awesome, thanks for the advice guys. I’ve got a booster pump. It’s going through the RO at 85psi. It is a second hand Merlin RO unit, so maybe the membrane needs replacing. Will run it for a bit to see if it comes down first ??
No. Its time to get shot of the r/o. Sorry to be blunt. Not only does it have a high water consumption but its poor efficiency means you will spend more on resin than you have to. Eventually a new r/o will pay for itself on resin saving alone. At one time the r/o put 5 liters of water to waste to produce 1 liter of pure. This means the single Fiberdyne sediment/carbon block filter had a shorter service life which in turn effected the membranes (you have to replace 2 membranes).

Those Merlin r/o are very inefficient as they were never designed to filter water for window cleaning. The best a fellow window cleaner has ever got with his is 90% efficiency and that was when the unit was brand new.

An equivalent is a 4021 but a 4040 is the most popular.

I think I might buy a new R/O because I am dumb founded with mine I have changed practically everything on it over time since my nightmare 2 years ago and production should be on par with yours 
My 450gpd needed around 28 hours to fill a 1000 IBC tank with 50psi water pressure - no booster. That was in summer. In winter with colder water it was nearer 36 hours to achieve that.

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My 450gpd needed around 28 hours to fill a 1000 IBC tank with 50psi water pressure - not booster. That was in summer. In winter with colder water it was nearer 36 hours to achieve that.
Bruce, thank you!!, In years gone by I would have no issue in producing 300ltrs of pure in 6 hours in Summer without a booster pump and not too much longer even in cold weather maybe 8-9 hours, it's now taking the same time with a booster pump it's like there is a blockage or issue with my R/O but absolutely nothing is visibly wrong.

If you want to call over over for a cup of tea and a slice of cake one day to inspect my system you are always more than welcome, I can send you off with some veg and rhubarb from the allotment 

Bruce, thank you!!, In years gone by I would have no issue in producing 300ltrs of pure in 6 hours in Summer without a booster pump and not too much longer even in cold weather maybe 8-9 hours, it's now taking the same time with a booster pump it's like there is a blockage or issue with my R/O but absolutely nothing is visibly wrong.

If you want to call over over for a cup of tea and a slice of cake one day to inspect my system you are always more than welcome, I can send you off with some veg and rhubarb from the allotment 
With an offer like that how can he resist ?
