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Rotary Brush or Manual Water Fed Pole brush for first time cleaning?


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Hey guys! New member here
As I've recently got into the windows cleaning business, I'm excited to be a part of this community

We've started with solar panels cleaning with reverse osmosis water and decided to expand to glass facades and commercial windows also
I notice that most professionals in the vlogs and articles I've reviewed are working with a regular water fed pole systems (such as Gardiner) and almost nobody prefer the rotation brush systems (such as Rota Qleen classic for example)

My first instict is that the rotating brush system will be much more efficient in cleaning because of the repeated scrubbing movements and almost no effort for the cleaner. It also seem to be easier to work with in bigger heights
Seeing that people on the internet don't prefer the rotating system, I started wondering whether the manual water fed cleaning have advantages over the rotating system (like deeper cleaning of hardened dirt). Or is there another reason the rotating systems are not that popular...

Now after a couple of failed attempts for first time cleaning (very dirty windows) with both of the systems, we're considering adding detergent along with the RO water to the whole procedure.
Anyway I thought it might be better to double-check on the two brush systems before doing such a drastic change in the process (we've really wanted to keep an eco vibe to our methods).

Do you guys find any advantages of the manual water fed pole system over the rotating brush systems (and vice versa)?
For first time cleaning, do you think rotary brush system works better, or the solution is just very careful and repeated cleaning regarless of the system?
Do you think adding a detergent to the RO water to very dirty windows will do the trick?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom
For first time cleaning, do you think rotary brush system works better, or the solution is just very careful and repeated cleaning regarless of the system?
Do you think adding a detergent to the RO water to very dirty windows will do the trick?
If you search the site you will pick up plenty of methods, and chemicals, to use on really bad first cleans. Usually bad results are down to bad technique
Hey guys! New member here
As I've recently got into the windows cleaning business, I'm excited to be a part of this community

We've started with solar panels cleaning with reverse osmosis water and decided to expand to glass facades and commercial windows also
I notice that most professionals in the vlogs and articles I've reviewed are working with a regular water fed pole systems (such as Gardiner) and almost nobody prefer the rotation brush systems (such as Rota Qleen classic for example)

My first instict is that the rotating brush system will be much more efficient in cleaning because of the repeated scrubbing movements and almost no effort for the cleaner. It also seem to be easier to work with in bigger heights
Seeing that people on the internet don't prefer the rotating system, I started wondering whether the manual water fed cleaning have advantages over the rotating system (like deeper cleaning of hardened dirt). Or is there another reason the rotating systems are not that popular...

Now after a couple of failed attempts for first time cleaning (very dirty windows) with both of the systems, we're considering adding detergent along with the RO water to the whole procedure.
Anyway I thought it might be better to double-check on the two brush systems before doing such a drastic change in the process (we've really wanted to keep an eco vibe to our methods).

Do you guys find any advantages of the manual water fed pole system over the rotating brush systems (and vice versa)?
For first time cleaning, do you think rotary brush system works better, or the solution is just very careful and repeated cleaning regarless of the system?
Do you think adding a detergent to the RO water to very dirty windows will do the trick?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom
I’d never even thought about it. Maybe on initial cleans but a regular clean is very quick without a need for rotating brushes.

I do wonder if they’d get into the corners well
Hey guys! New member here
As I've recently got into the windows cleaning business, I'm excited to be a part of this community

We've started with solar panels cleaning with reverse osmosis water and decided to expand to glass facades and commercial windows also
I notice that most professionals in the vlogs and articles I've reviewed are working with a regular water fed pole systems (such as Gardiner) and almost nobody prefer the rotation brush systems (such as Rota Qleen classic for example)

My first instict is that the rotating brush system will be much more efficient in cleaning because of the repeated scrubbing movements and almost no effort for the cleaner. It also seem to be easier to work with in bigger heights
Seeing that people on the internet don't prefer the rotating system, I started wondering whether the manual water fed cleaning have advantages over the rotating system (like deeper cleaning of hardened dirt). Or is there another reason the rotating systems are not that popular...

Now after a couple of failed attempts for first time cleaning (very dirty windows) with both of the systems, we're considering adding detergent along with the RO water to the whole procedure.
Anyway I thought it might be better to double-check on the two brush systems before doing such a drastic change in the process (we've really wanted to keep an eco vibe to our methods).

Do you guys find any advantages of the manual water fed pole system over the rotating brush systems (and vice versa)?
For first time cleaning, do you think rotary brush system works better, or the solution is just very careful and repeated cleaning regarless of the system?
Do you think adding a detergent to the RO water to very dirty windows will do the trick?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom
There's a time and place for rotary brushes. Squeaky clean Dave brought a system from China and also has an equip2clean variant.

I personally stick with basic water fed pole
Because they don't need batteries or mains transformers to operate
Ime not aware of a rotating brush for window cleaning , for solar panels yes most solar farms are now cleaned using rotary brushes on a tractor system
There are couple of brands that are offering the same solution as for the solar panels, but with different brush bristols for glass facades. If you search the internet you'll find them (I'm not sure if it's a good idea to share links in the forum)
As the rotating brush weighs 2.8kgs, firstly good luck finding a pole that can handle that weight 40' in the air and, secondly, finding someone strong enough to use it all day.

As a comparison the brush we use weighs 120gms
Maybe it's because I've done only several projects, but I find the rotating brush to be less exhausting in comparison to the manual water fed pole, regardless of it's bigger weight. When leaned towards the window, it's much lighter than it's original weight. Again, this may be just bad technique, because the results were not impressive for first time cleaning
I’d never even thought about it. Maybe on initial cleans but a regular clean is very quick without a need for rotating brushes.

I do wonder if they’d get into the corners well
The issue is that usually we're requested to do first time cleaning and need to figure a solution for the harder part
Yes, you're totally right, corners are a problem because of the round shape of the brush. We managed with lots of repetition to do them, but there's still some traces of dirt even after the third and fourth attempt on the window
The issue is that usually we're requested to do first time cleaning and need to figure a solution for the harder part
Yes, you're totally right, corners are a problem because of the round shape of the brush. We managed with lots of repetition to do them, but there's still some traces of dirt even after the third and fourth attempt on the window
We never have any issue getting a window totally clean using a normal brush and hot water , sometimes on a particularly bad one we will use a chemical but that’s ti bring the frame up to scratch not the glass .