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Fed up of window cleaning


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Ethan EZ -Clean

Well-known member
Starting to get sick of window cleaning now. People skipping because of the rain, skipping for no reason and then dropping off of the round.

My rounds with 37k a year at the minute took me since the start of the year to build it but I’m pretty much fed up of it now. Found I really like doing the additional services more and found it suits me more because I have to use my brain rather than scrub up and down on a piece of glass and clean a frame.

Anyone here sold their round off and built up a gutter cleaning business/ pressure washing business? How did it go did it take a while to get going? I get a fair few enquiries for gutters and other bits more so than the windows at the moment.
Thought I’d add to this the equipment cost for window cleaning and overheads for water etc is constantly rising. It’s starting to get me down and I don’t want to get consumed by a business I do not enjoy
Starting to get sick of window cleaning now. People skipping because of the rain, skipping for no reason and then dropping off of the round.

My rounds with 37k a year at the minute took me since the start of the year to build it but I’m pretty much fed up of it now. Found I really like doing the additional services more and found it suits me more because I have to use my brain rather than scrub up and down on a piece of glass and clean a frame.

Anyone here sold their round off and built up a gutter cleaning business/ pressure washing business? How did it go did it take a while to get going? I get a fair few enquiries for gutters and other bits more so than the windows at the moment.
So are you saying you have built up a 37 k round in a year ? If so you should be highly delighted and sticking with it .
So are you saying you have built up a 37 k round in a year ? If so you should be highly delighted and sticking with it .
Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful but I feel like I’m shooting myself in the foot. I don’t enjoy cleaning windows I’ve got a lad who pretty much does my window round for me now (works out 2-3 days a week max)

when I’m doing my books and checking up on things I’m realising that it’s not as good as it seems on paper. Feels like I’m constantly forking money out for equipment when stuff breaks etc.

I’ve told him now he needs to be able to drive by the end of the year otherwise there isn’t a job for him anymore I can’t be driving him round all day everyday it makes no sense.

When we have gutter days which is frequent now there is no weight in the van literally throw the ladders and vac on and we do the same amount of money as we do on the windows with no overhead costs and less travelling in between jobs.
@Ethan EZ -Clean well done on building up such a good round in that time mate. Sorry it's getting you down. I know costs are always rising but at least when you are buying parts and tools to replace then they have been earning their money for you and that's why they need replacing. Windows will always be more frequent than other external cleaning jobs I imagine. I've never done pressure washing full time professionally for myself but I did it for a company a while ago and was quite happy - but it can also be a bit mind numbing. I used to download podcasts to listen too to help pass the time. I know what you mean about gutter vacuum jobs, I like days when I haven't got too much heavy equipment with me and can just load a few things up and get out earning some pennies. Hopefully you can find a balance of what to do on which days and maybe help mix it up a bit. Good luck buddy and remember you aren't on your own getting fed up with work. If I feel a bit sh*t about things I try and think back to working in boring office jobs, shops and warehouse work etc and how lucky I am now to be working outdoors now.
im on ladders and its true theres no real overheads. iv drifted into gutters,gutter repairs too and iv found that as long as iv got a sales funnel in place, mixing up the work it all works very well. i make sure to run little ads every week ,the sort of ads that cost nothing but 5 mins of my time to create,on locanto,friday-ad,facebook,twitter -this is my sales funnel theres allus something fresh coming in from one or other .Make sure that any aspect of the job thats gruelling is priced so high that its no longer a horrible job,such as facias for example £150 take it or leave it
im on ladders and its true theres no real overheads. iv drifted into gutters,gutter repairs too and iv found that as long as iv got a sales funnel in place, mixing up the work it all works very well. i make sure to run little ads every week ,the sort of ads that cost nothing but 5 mins of my time to create,on locanto,friday-ad,facebook,twitter -this is my sales funnel theres allus something fresh coming in from one or other .Make sure that any aspect of the job thats gruelling is priced so high that its no longer a horrible job,such as facias for example £150 take it or leave it
Absolutely spot on - a job, especially a horrible one, has to be reasonably priced otherwise you just end up hating the work. Honestly I loathe doing gsf cleans and if someone asks I either decline if it's a big/awkward job, or price it for a good profit and then the can take it or leave it. It doesn't help that the amount of times I hear something similar to "my gutters just need a quick wipe with a cloth, can you do that if I add a little bit on to the bill?". I priced up a gsf clean for a parent we know at my kid's school. They are a nice person I thought I'd do them a favour and priced it very reasonable, but they looked at me in shock when I told them the price. They thought it would be about £20 - three full side of guttering all the way round a semi detached house and they were almost black with dirt.
I think you've laid out all your faults right here, first off why would you be chauffeuring an employee around all day with you sitting in the van twiddling your thumbs with a business that only has a turnover of 37k, stuff breaks because it's cheap or it's not looked after
When we have gutter days which is frequent now there is no weight in the van literally throw the ladders and vac on and we do the same amount of money as we do on the windows with no overhead costs
You do have overheads you are paying an employee plus yourself and the other costs like fuel and vehicle wear and tear, if the gutter cleaning and pressure washing starts dropping off you'll sharp get sick of that as well,

Getting hacked off and losing interest is normal I got hacked off multiple times over the years but I'm still going almost 25 years later, that's life that's how it is
First off you have done amazingly well to get a round that big that fast. You will always get people skipping, give them 2 chances per year any more and dump.
As you have an employee your overheads will be significant but once he's driving that frees you up to do the parts of the job you like. I seem to remember you like the door knocking and marketing of the business so work to enable yourself to do that and just fill in on long/difficult/sick/holiday days.
As for gutter cleaning full time I think you would struggle but window cleaning as a solid foundation for your income is a good solid footing. I think gutter emptying is a bit too seasonal.
Pressure washing again is not really repeating work so you are forever searching for new customers plus it can be quite seasonal as well.
If you have 2 or 3 days worth of window cleaning work then don't just sell it off, that's your bread and butter income. Do everything you can to help your employee gain his driving licence asap - maybe a bit of a bonus for passing - what ever you think might incentivise him - check your insurance for a newly qualified driver though!!
Start now building gutter empty and gsf cleaning so you can get up to 4 or 5 days a week - sounds like you want a bit of variety - especially if your sitting in a van all day - maybe while he's cleaning you do marketing be that door knocking or online.
PS the winters coming so make sure you are prepared - good clothing, protect your water processing (insulation) - if your not making your own pure then you may reduce your cost if you make your own.
As for kit breaking than either you have poor quality kit, it was put together badly or someone is miss treating your kit. You do have to do some maintenance to ensure kit is in the best condition and keep spares so when something does break you can swap or replace quickly and carry on - it will save you money by having spares and the knowledge to repair.
First off you have done amazingly well to get a round that big that fast. You will always get people skipping, give them 2 chances per year any more and dump.
As you have an employee your overheads will be significant but once he's driving that frees you up to do the parts of the job you like. I seem to remember you like the door knocking and marketing of the business so work to enable yourself to do that and just fill in on long/difficult/sick/holiday days.
As for gutter cleaning full time I think you would struggle but window cleaning as a solid foundation for your income is a good solid footing. I think gutter emptying is a bit too seasonal.
Pressure washing again is not really repeating work so you are forever searching for new customers plus it can be quite seasonal as well.
If you have 2 or 3 days worth of window cleaning work then don't just sell it off, that's your bread and butter income. Do everything you can to help your employee gain his driving licence asap - maybe a bit of a bonus for passing - what ever you think might incentivise him - check your insurance for a newly qualified driver though!!
Start now building gutter empty and gsf cleaning so you can get up to 4 or 5 days a week - sounds like you want a bit of variety - especially if your sitting in a van all day - maybe while he's cleaning you do marketing be that door knocking or online.
PS the winters coming so make sure you are prepared - good clothing, protect your water processing (insulation) - if your not making your own pure then you may reduce your cost if you make your own.
As for kit breaking than either you have poor quality kit, it was put together badly or someone is miss treating your kit. You do have to do some maintenance to ensure kit is in the best condition and keep spares so when something does break you can swap or replace quickly and carry on - it will save you money by having spares and the knowledge to repair.
Hi Ched, yeah it's getting me down a bit at the moment with the weather changing. The thing with the lad being able to drive will let the business thrive i think. I'm all for making a sale im constantly on the phone making sales or making sales in person im drawn to it. I think I just need to step back from the tools but then I wouldnt be able to. The poles we use are gardiner poles and theyve lasted less than a year and are knackered already I make my lad clean them and i do the maintenance on sundays if needed but one needs replacing already and the other has carbon splits. One of my reels is knackered and the other has back pressure problems constantly pops off and water is constantly ******* out.

Maybe if I put some money into fixing everything and getting it all sorted producing my own water etc ill be happier doing it but right now its a constant chore to do things.

I think as well going 6 weekly has thrown a spanner in the works on us as its kind of killed the cash flow but my intentions were to grow 50% more customers so I'm able to market to more people.

Think if I go back to 4&8 weekly it will help us out massively and I can arrange some things to get myself to be able to get more additional work etc.
Granted I've only been going 18 months but the difference in my mental health just minding my own cleaning windows has been huge.
Having previously been in office jobs and sat on tills in a supermarket window cleaning is a vast improvement.
I've always worked outdoors or with customers really.

Halfords - sales and parts fitter
Mot garage / service tech
Call centre
warehouse work

Its the freedom i have that i like
I think you've laid out all your faults right here, first off why would you be chauffeuring an employee around all day with you sitting in the van twiddling your thumbs with a business that only has a turnover of 37k, stuff breaks because it's cheap or it's not looked after

You do have overheads you are paying an employee plus yourself and the other costs like fuel and vehicle wear and tear, if the gutter cleaning and pressure washing starts dropping off you'll sharp get sick of that as well,

Getting hacked off and losing interest is normal I got hacked off multiple times over the years but I'm still going almost 25 years later, that's life that's how it is
Good points mate. When i say i get him to do the work I get him to do the jobs that are sat on their own and ill do marketing posts update gmb, knock doors posts leaflet. On our more compact days ill hop out the van and well smash it in together. My business definetly has flaws and you are right making this post has probably gone from asking for advice to looking at it and going oh thats why its not working as planned
@Ethan EZ -Clean well done on building up such a good round in that time mate. Sorry it's getting you down. I know costs are always rising but at least when you are buying parts and tools to replace then they have been earning their money for you and that's why they need replacing. Windows will always be more frequent than other external cleaning jobs I imagine. I've never done pressure washing full time professionally for myself but I did it for a company a while ago and was quite happy - but it can also be a bit mind numbing. I used to download podcasts to listen too to help pass the time. I know what you mean about gutter vacuum jobs, I like days when I haven't got too much heavy equipment with me and can just load a few things up and get out earning some pennies. Hopefully you can find a balance of what to do on which days and maybe help mix it up a bit. Good luck buddy and remember you aren't on your own getting fed up with work. If I feel a bit sh*t about things I try and think back to working in boring office jobs, shops and warehouse work etc and how lucky I am now to be working outdoors now.
Cheers scrubsy. I think I need to take a proper look at everything today. cash flow, jobs booked in, jobs that are messers etc and look at it on a bigger scale.

What doesn't work. What can be done more frequently. I may just cut down the **** complelty and go back to my roots of 4 weekly. improve the cash flow. Start spending money on proper eqwuipment stuff that will last.

The gutter jobs i love and we get a lot of it all year round always do seem to get a bit of it we live right on the sea and everywhere is full of trees especially right in my area its a conservation area.

Thankfully its my first year im bound to make mistakes. I know ive done well but ive got the fire in my belly to do better
Good points mate. When i say i get him to do the work I get him to do the jobs that are sat on their own and ill do marketing posts update gmb, knock doors posts leaflet. On our more compact days ill hop out the van and well smash it in together. My business definetly has flaws and you are right making this post has probably gone from asking for advice to looking at it and going oh thats why its not working as planned
Paying an employee makes no sense at all, you simply aren't generating enough turnover to justify employing, if you only have 2-3 days window cleaning then you've got plenty of time for marketing and add ons,

You need to be completely maxed out working 8hr days on the glass on your own 5-6 days a week before even considering employing.
Cheers scrubsy. I think I need to take a proper look at everything today. cash flow, jobs booked in, jobs that are messers etc and look at it on a bigger scale.

What doesn't work. What can be done more frequently. I may just cut down the **** complelty and go back to my roots of 4 weekly. improve the cash flow. Start spending money on proper eqwuipment stuff that will last.

The gutter jobs i love and we get a lot of it all year round always do seem to get a bit of it we live right on the sea and everywhere is full of trees especially right in my area its a conservation area.

Thankfully its my first year im bound to make mistakes. I know ive done well but ive got the fire in my belly to do better
I'm sure you're buying the right equipment mate. You might be like me when I suddenly need to replace lots of stuff at the same time, which is very frustrating. Totally agree, have a look at what makes reasonable money and what doesn't. Get rid of the rubbishy jobs. I've taken on two window cleans this week that are far bigger than we normally do. It's only me and my wife working together and we use a backpacks so prefer smaller/medium jobs as I feel that way we can get more done. While we need the money we'll carry on, but once we're a bit busier I'll knock them on the head. Doesn't help that they are £1million-ish houses (and I usually find they are the pickiest and most penny pinching customers).
dont fret too much about your employee not driving-my sidekick at the minute cannot pass the theory test and i frittered 700 notes on lessons for him,he Can drive but im past caring .Actually about 5yrs ago i had 3 full time employees and non could drive ,had a berlingo crew van at that time ,all excellent cleaners ,loved by clients but hopeless driving the sort who would cry if you asked them to tie their shoelaces or write down a message .
Starting to get sick of window cleaning now. People skipping because of the rain, skipping for no reason and then dropping off of the round.

My rounds with 37k a year at the minute took me since the start of the year to build it but I’m pretty much fed up of it now. Found I really like doing the additional services more and found it suits me more because I have to use my brain rather than scrub up and down on a piece of glass and clean a frame.

Anyone here sold their round off and built up a gutter cleaning business/ pressure washing business? How did it go did it take a while to get going? I get a fair few enquiries for gutters and other bits more so than the windows at the moment.
You have done very well building your round up to that level in such short time. I'm presuming you haven't bought into one. I have reinventing my round several times over the last 33 years. You get to the stage where you can pick and choose what work you do and put crazy prices in and still get jobs. I wont say what I'm making but experienced window cleaners know where I'm coming from. We all get fed up with the job but if you want my advice stick to building up your round. You will find you will make far more money over a period of time than you can doing anything else .
Starting to get sick of window cleaning now. People skipping because of the rain, skipping for no reason and then dropping off of the round.

My rounds with 37k a year at the minute took me since the start of the year to build it but I’m pretty much fed up of it now. Found I really like doing the additional services more and found it suits me more because I have to use my brain rather than scrub up and down on a piece of glass and clean a frame.

Anyone here sold their round off and built up a gutter cleaning business/ pressure washing business? How did it go did it take a while to get going? I get a fair few enquiries for gutters and other bits more so than the windows at the moment.
Took me 10 years to achieve a decent turnover so 1 year is very good. Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity. Remember that.

Messers still get me down now 16 years on but you learn to shrug your shoulders and move on.

Equipment failing is annoying and I've had a few hiccups recently. Don't put up with it. Sort out the niggles and you'll find your day will run smoother with less frustrations. Put a bit of time in to sort those minor issues and it will probably improve you overall mood. Focus on one issue at a time and prioritise otherwise easy to get overwhelmed.

It is a boring job, but a positive outlook, good money and the freedom have kept me in it. You can learn to love any job, with the right attitude. You're still young in the job so plenty of time to learn and adapt. I agree with Iron Giant though, it seems too early to have an employee and the costs that come with that.

Best of Luck.
Took me 10 years to achieve a decent turnover so 1 year is very good. Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity. Remember that.

Messers still get me down now 16 years on but you learn to shrug your shoulders and move on.

Equipment failing is annoying and I've had a few hiccups recently. Don't put up with it. Sort out the niggles and you'll find your day will run smoother with less frustrations. Put a bit of time in to sort those minor issues and it will probably improve you overall mood. Focus on one issue at a time and prioritise otherwise easy to get overwhelmed.

It is a boring job, but a positive outlook, good money and the freedom have kept me in it. You can learn to love any job, with the right attitude. You're still young in the job so plenty of time to learn and adapt. I agree with Iron Giant though, it seems too early to have an employee and the costs that come with that.

Best of Luck.
May have been too early but it has brought in an extra 10k worth of work me being able to focus on the business.

Just today I've booked in £400 in gutter work while waiting for the van to get sorted out with new sign writing (which looks mint)

Think I may knock the 6 weekly on the head go for 5 instead. most my customers are 4 weekly who think im too busy to get round to them tbh I said from day dot 4-6 weeks. Think most wont even notice and if they do I'll explain it's just due to getting the round done before the bad weather comes in the winter and we cannot get out to them. Most my customers are great and dont even care aslong as they have clean windows tbh. I did originally sell it on the door as 5-6 weekly to the newer 6 weekly customers. I always have 2 days a week window cleaning and then i go out and do atleast a day or two gutters on my own. He's contracted to two days per week 16 hours and he doesn't mind as thats what he done in his last job but worked 1 weekend day and 3 in the week all 4 hour shifts sometimes a little overtime in a corner shop.
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