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The Advantages of four weekly cleans over eight weekly.


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I was doing monthly, 2 monthly, 6 weekly, 8 weekly

Recently changed to 5 weekly and 10 weekly and that's it

Moved some 6 weekly to 10 weekly and some to 5 weekly depending on what customer wanted

I know that now means 10 cleans a year instead of 12 but i don't see any difference in amount of time to clean them

The customer likes the fact they only have to pay 10 times a year

Like @Rosewood said if i lose any customers it has less impact as i have more customers

And also i quote higher than than what i used to for new jobs so they will end up paying the same over a year anyway

In june i would have been back at it again for myself for 2 years so my first customers will be due a rise of a quid each anyway

I do 4 or 8 weekly

with 8 weekly you can earn more money but you have twice as many customers to get so when starting out its better to get 4 weekly as it wont take as long.

The only benefit of 8 weekly is you earn more money.

I prefer 4 weekly as you need less customers, that less customers to find, less to mess you about and less to chase for payments.

Having said that i always offer both, 8 weekly at 50% more and im about 80% 4 weekly 20% 8 weekly

i also have one 12 weekly and 1 16 weekly although i didnt really want them i got told lol

Things are progressing well for my little venture. A good mate of mine passed some work my way and on Monday I had my first day out on my own. (It was hard going and I had some challenges)I've also managed to pick up a few customers over the last week or so. I tend to ask them how often there looking at getting their windows done. Majority of time they have been asking me what I suggest and I've said eight weeks.

The problem is I can't figure out a way to justify saying four weekly would be a better option. If I was a customer I’d only want them doing every eight weeks to be honest. I don’t want to take the piss, but at the end of the day it’s going to take me twice as long to earn my cash if everyone goes for eight week cleans!!! Any advice chaps please?
Out of three hundred and odd customers only one of them is 8 weekly. Fortnightly or monthly is the norm
I offer 8 weekly or 4 but push 8 weekly I'd say about 95 % of customers are on the 8 week cycle. My reasoning being.I can have twice as many customers which means twice as many people recommending my service. Twice as many properties my vans parked outside. Twice as many neighbours I can knock and say "I clean your neighbours windows"

And when it all goes wrong and I lose a customer, I Lose a smaller % of my business.

I also find a lot of new customers like the fact your pushing a service that isn't the most expensive. When I give a quote I may say " it's £15 for the 8 week clean I could do it for £10 but that would be a 4 week clean, I recommend the 8 week"

The customer sees your recommending they save £5 every other month and you get the job.
Like reading my own thoughts.. agree completely custy likes it.

My old window cleaner used to come every 4 weeks (apart from December, January and February which he spent in Tenerife)... I found four weekly was too frequent but as he was so cheap I wasn't too worried... When I started cleaning the round was done six weekly so I've continued with that...when customers ask to go alternate I jack the price up so the hourly rate is better for those so personally I'd prefer more, less frequent stuff.

It's not set in stone is it?

90% of my customers are four weekly. I prefer four weekly over monthly because I do 13 cleans a year with four weekly as opposed to 12 cleans per year with monthly.
I always offer four weekly to start with but will take on customers on an eight weekly basis if they're not keen on four weekly.

I've not had much resistance to four weekly and the ones who want eight weekly tend to be watching the pennies.

I sell it to them by saying that i keep their windows clean rather than cleaning them when they're dirty.

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I would find it very difficult to get 13 cleans a year in, holidays, weather.

When I started out I offered 4,6 and 8 weekly cleans. In hindsight I would offer 4 and 8 weekly, as the 6's can be awkward trying to fit them in. Now I only offer 4 and 8, unless it is in an area of dense work ie a housing estate where I have stacks of work so hardly have to move my van.

It's not set in stone is it?
I would find it very difficult to get 13 cleans a year in, holidays, weather.
Very true. I work on the premise that with 4 weekly I get 12 cleans a year and 4 weeks holiday days off rather than 13 wk of cleans

It's not set in stone is it?
I would find it very difficult to get 13 cleans a year in, holidays, weather.
It's not set in stone. I've only been going full time for just under a year so I'm not as busy as a lot of the guys on here. Hopefully as I get even busier I too will find it difficult to get to them thirteen times per year.

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