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the name and shame game


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Well-known member
gods own county of yorkshire
i rolled up to a gutter cleaning job today and there was a window cleaning van on the street,anyway i'm a nosey sort of guy so took a few photos of the set up.

give me your honest answers guys who would feel safe driveing around with that in the back,i know most of us have seen it before but honest comments please and i'll reveal who it is later(don't worry its no one on here )View attachment 8068

ive got to vans fitted out with bigger tanks then that and there fine however they are baffled and wedge, plus strapped in ,

when I was working in dhl I would pick up one of these every other day full of pure water all brand new and drop it off at the local paint factory for them to make paint with , I was using a transit 350, with uprated springs on the back , all strapped in with 5 tonne straps and buy god did it rock the van every light , every round about you knew that thing was on there

well its obviously not safe but we all do what we have to do.

I dont think any ratchet strapped tank is safe if involved in an accident at any sort of speed but not everyone can afford a pro fitted, crash tested setup.

you say youre a nosey sort,id go further anyone takin sneaky fotos of rivals is a real workshy loser

well its obviously not safe but we all do what we have to do.
I dont think any ratchet strapped tank is safe if involved in an accident at any sort of speed but not everyone can afford a pro fitted, crash tested setup.
abosuluty agree mate,but this is a national company-i guess the guy would be on £8.00 an hour?

abosuluty agree mate,but this is a national company-i guess the guy would be on £8.00 an hour?
I wouldnt want to be putting that in an employees van.

Its one thing being a one man band but being a national company changes your responsibilites and liabilty somewhat.

We have a few round here who use IBC tanks without any form of baffling or load restraints. One of them has quite a number of vans all using IBC tanks. And yes, the owner will say they are professionally fitted when insuring them.

There are a couple of single operator vans also using them.

They also smoke cigarettes. The packet tells them that smoking kills. If they ignore that then what chance have you got of convincing them that they need a proper secured tank.

It's people like them that make the "Darwin Awards" every year.


funny isn't it when these companys that supply and fit the pro set ups give it large about how unsafe using straps and strap eyes how yet have no data to prove there claims , also if they had by law there duty of care would to be to infourm all the uk van people of there findings i.e. ford ,vw , ect ect yet none have ever done so strange that

We have a few round here who use IBC tanks without any form of baffling or load restraints. One of them has quite a number of vans all using IBC tanks. And yes, the owner will say they are professionally fitted when insuring them.
There are a couple of single operator vans also using them.

They also smoke cigarettes. The packet tells them that smoking kills. If they ignore that then what chance have you got of convincing them that they need a proper secured tank.

It's people like them that make the "Darwin Awards" every year.

thing is spruce the proper tanks are not that expensive, safe too

I agree it is dangerous but have you ever thought about the fact that these so called "crash tested" systems are tested no faster than 30mph

Nobody knows what would happen at 50 for example

Or maybe they do and that is why they only release results for up to 30mph??

I can't see a company stopping at 30 when testing as they would want to know

I agree it is dangerous but have you ever thought about the fact that these so called "crash tested" systems are tested no faster than 30mphNobody knows what would happen at 50 for example

Or maybe they do and that is why they only release results for up to 30mph??

I can't see a company stopping at 30 when testing as they would want to know
One hell of a mess I'm sure :confused:

We have a few round here who use IBC tanks without any form of baffling or load restraints. One of them has quite a number of vans all using IBC tanks. And yes, the owner will say they are professionally fitted when insuring them.
There are a couple of single operator vans also using them.

They also smoke cigarettes. The packet tells them that smoking kills. If they ignore that then what chance have you got of convincing them that they need a proper secured tank.

It's people like them that make the "Darwin Awards" every year.

I love the darwin awards as it always makes me chuckle but what has smoking got to do with it??

I assume you don't drink ..eat fatty food or cross the road other than at a crossing in case of an accident or then you would be a candidate for the darwin awards

he is doing some graft 1000l tank one reel
I would imagine that as a used IBC tank is cheap, that's a good reason to fit it.

As a single operator that should last him quite some time. One of the jobs I hate is uncoiling the hose every morning to fill the van.

I just can't get over the real hose hanging off the door, literally waiting for some yong child to be innocently riding along on a lovely summers day only to be beheaded by the hose while it precariously hang right across the pavement :whistle: :laugh:

I deff know that im dead Meat if i collide with anything bigger than a bunny ... Got a 350 L in my Peugeot bipper van , seen the scenario many times in my mind , somethings gotta give , and 350 L becomes SO much heavier than my load cage Can handle ...:confused: Of course its secured but ....

the worst thing happened to me

had my hose trailing over road, now there could of been couple of loops not sure.

really quiet area, anyway i was in garden when i herd this massive bang

by the time i made it to the van this young wizz kidd with his zooped up corsa ( bellend )

was bombing down the street with my hose and reel trailing behind him.

The reel was only fixed to my van top of tank.Theyoung kid never stopped never seen him yet.

thre was a strong lesson learnt that day.


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