Nov 15, 2012 #1 G Goldoak Well-known member Messages 101 Was good..very slow lately cnt upload videos or pics..nor view some lf them Why
Nov 15, 2012 #2 Gavin Staff member Admin Messages 3,854 Location Cornwall Do you get any errors or is it just generally slow? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nov 15, 2012 #3 G Goldoak Well-known member Messages 101 Just says temporary down..iv tried to upload a video and pics several time today..same message on all
Just says temporary down..iv tried to upload a video and pics several time today..same message on all
Nov 15, 2012 #4 Gavin Staff member Admin Messages 3,854 Location Cornwall Hmm odd I will take a look but seems to be ok on my end at the mo. how big are the images and video? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hmm odd I will take a look but seems to be ok on my end at the mo. how big are the images and video? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nov 15, 2012 #5 Gavin Staff member Admin Messages 3,854 Location Cornwall You can only link to a video by the way not upload it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk