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To use ro or not use ro is the question


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steve hawing

Well-known member
Im moving into a new place and the water tds is around 115-120, now im thinking if i could possibly skip the ro process...if i was still to run the tap water though the carbon and sediment filters im guessing that would maybe bring the tds to the 100 mark making it ok to run it straight to di....now im also thinking to prolong the life of the resin to use the double di method that many of you use

What you lads think am i on the right track with my thinking?

Im moving to an apartment and would be dead handy to just skip the ro as there no outside tap and i donr want to be pissing peop off running hoses but needs must if i have to ya know

Im moving into a new place and the water tds is around 115-120, now im thinking if i could possibly skip the ro process...if i was still to run the tap water though the carbon and sediment filters im guessing that would maybe bring the tds to the 100 mark making it ok to run it straight to di....now im also thinking to prolong the life of the resin to use the double di method that many of you use
What you lads think am i on the right track with my thinking?

Im moving to an apartment and would be dead handy to just skip the ro as there no outside tap and i donr want to be ******* peop off running hoses but needs must if i have to ya know
As @Green Pro Clean Ltd says, it will all come down to water costs (on a meter or not).

Running your 120ppm water through the prefilters won't reduce the tds of the water by an significant amount like you have hoped. Its the r/o that does the work.

Our water varies between 90 and 125. We still use an r/o as we aren't on a meter. One of the other windies I know of uses a di with the same water quality as its cheaper for him than paying the extra water bill. He also just couldn't get his r/o to work for him for some reason or other.

He still process water slowly into his IBC tank and uses a ball valve to stop the water when the tank is full. Transfers water into his van as and when he wants it.

He says its more convenient for him to do this, but I can't see that as I loathe the job of emptying and replacing the resin in my di vessel. He's doing it more often and has to keep a sharp eye on his water quality. I probably check my water once every couple of weeks at most.


When i get set up ill give it ago and see how i get on as having the option to not have to use the ro in the circumstances would be nice but it will be trail and error and hopefully its a goer
