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Trad pole work


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well today I hade the day off and decided to practice on my pole wagtail skills and I wasn't very good at pole work so Thats why I got a wfp, anyway we don't have a double story house so I got my pole and my wagtail sat on the floor and I did the 1 window I think for 3 hours straight I'm very happy with the results and now I'm spewing because I should of done that sooner then get a wfp, just wondering how did you guys practice? When you first started

I practiced by cleaning customers houses

Straight pulls and detailing with cloth on pole then gradually fanning until i had it sorted ..that was with a 0° swiveloc

Then when i eventually got a wag it was easy straight away

I also started with the Unger 0 and then Wagtail. Anything above full arm stretch I used a short pole and then as I got more confident progressively used longer poles. If worst came to worst I would climb the damn ladder or pointer to sort it. Rarely these days do I need to take them off the roof rack...practice makes perfect.

did like you wagtailmat practiced on my Windows sitting on the floor lol, then got some pensioners who always are happy no matter what i do so practiced on them they got det perfect hight and size off Windows. then out on the custys houses.

like Eric said if it goes crap pull out the ladder and fix it
