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That looks brilliant Dave, was it the one you made a while back, or a different one? Nice size, not too tall for my van either.

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I made this one about 4 weeks ago mate

It does extemd to full height but collapses like that to store

I got a 1000l ibc in the garden thanks mate

Got it rigged up to ro and rainwater harvesting as my shed is big like a garage so might as well make use of the big sloped roof

When we have a good rain it fills a few hundred litres quite quickly


Just out of interest @ green pro clean ltd what flow rate is your water when you don't rinse on maintenance cleans ? Looking for ways to get more work done in a day

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I think about 55 or 60 on my flow controller.   I was told about 10 years ago that a flow of approx 2 lpm  was ideal for window cleaning and I have always found that to be pretty bang on. 

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