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Transitioning from Traditional - Advice needed :)


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Kelsey Smith

Well-known member
Hi I am new to this forum and am looking to transition from traditional window cleaning to WFP and would really appreciate some advice. 

I live in a Very hard water area and most of my work is 2nd story of under but will be looking to target commercial work so ideally be able to reach 4/5 floors. 

I have an Astra Van so I can't have an upright tank , I will need it to be able to fit nicely. 250 L would be great. 

I have been looking at this system from X Line which including everything I have been told I need will come to around £2050 and I will have to drive 2 and a half hours to Nottingham to collect. 


However I have also seen this system from Purefreedom on eBay . It looks as if it has everything I will need but can anyone confirm this? 


Is there any advantage with the X Line System0 over the Pure freedom system and how easy is it to set up? 

Also can you use any poles with any different systems? 

Thank you so much in advance for your help. 


I was originally going to get a trolley system and just use the WFP system for windows I can't access alone ( recently started working alone) but I have been advised against this as I've been told I will only want to use the system once I've got it. 

I would highly recommend purefreedom to get you started, they made my transition from trad to wfp seemless, really helpful. I use trolley system but have heard so much good feedback about their van systems, if you can make the trip and deal with them face to face you won't be disappointed.

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The Pure Freedom system has more equipment. Before you buy anything if you're targeting large commercial jobs a 350l tank isn't big enough. You will need at least 500l to last a day. Have you space, a garage, to produce and store your water?

Is the X line company just more expensive then?

Are the DIY systems easy to install? ( completely foolproof )

Well the plan is to target small commercial jobs for a while then my dad wants to join my company and he will be buying a bigger van with room for a much bigger tank so i can potentially send him to any large commercial jobs. 

Unfortunately i don't really have any space 

Thanks mate 

Buy a tank that fits, pump, controller, reel and pole 

That way you will spend about 500 quid and it will work just the same as an expensive bought system

Then just get a bigger tank when you upgrade vehicle

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Buy a tank that fits, pump, controller, reel and pole 

That way you will spend about 500 quid and it will.work just the same as an expensive bought system

Then just get a bigger tank when you upgrade vehicle

Thanks Dave , i think i would also need a RO filter as i will need to use tap water and my area has really hard water. 

Is it pretty simple to put it all together mate?? 

If you haven't got much room then you might need to look at a van system. These are a lot more expensive, has your Father got any. This is important as your set up costs will be considerably more. 

If you've got basic handiwork skills fitting and installation should be relatively easy 

I would highly recommend purefreedom to get you started, they made my transition from trad to wfp seemless, really helpful. I use trolley system but have heard so much good feedback about their van systems, if you can make the trip and deal with them face to face you won't be disappointed.

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Jimbo just wondering how much it all cost you ? Thanks 

If you haven't got much room then you might need to look at a van system. These are a lot more expensive, has your Father got any. This is important as your set up costs will be considerably more. 

If you've got basic handiwork skills fitting and installation should be relatively easy 

How much am i looking at for a full set up in a van? 

Unfortunately no room to store any tanks :(

Thanks Part Timer

Jimbo just wondering how much it all cost you ? Thanks 
My set up cost me just over £1000, as I work from my car that doesn't include van mounted system. The best thing I found at purefreedom was walking in and just getting all the advice I needed. I was like you looking up things online and asking other window cleaners but the guys at purefreedom gave me a great idiots guide to the best setup for my needs.
I have since invested in gardiner brushes which are far superior, but the initial setup you can't go wrong with the guys at purefreedom.

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My set up cost me just over £1000, as I work from my car that doesn't include van mounted system. The best thing I found at purefreedom was walking in and just getting all the advice I needed. I was like you looking up things online and asking other window cleaners but the guys at purefreedom gave me a great idiots guide to the best setup for my needs.
I have since invested in gardiner brushes which are far superior, but the initial setup you can't go wrong with the guys at purefreedom.

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Thanks Jimbo , 

You use a Trolley system right? I was talking to someone earlier and they made a good point , the majority of my work is in areas where the parking is terrible and have to park a distance away and walk to each house so a trolley system may be best for me for now. 

Do you filter the water before it goes into the 25L tanks with a trolley? 

Is it best to buy all components separately when buying a trolley system or is it cheaper and more convenient to buy as a package?

What hose connectors to PF trolleys use? 

THanks again 

Heres my 2p worth.  If you want a trolley either build your own or buy a backpack and a trolley and strap the two together! Gardiners backpack for £100 ish + a trolley. 

Im also in a mega hard water area.  If you have room you need an RO and a tank of some kind to fill up. (I have a cheap RO filling an IBC in my parents garage).  I staarted off collecting rain water and putting it through a DI filter because I couldnt afford an RO! 

I for one wont be spending thousands on a van system.  :D 

This bloke makes a good point!

Now pay attention young man.....


They may have sexy looking gear but they have the worst customer service in the industry and the owner James is a total c-nut. 

No comment on pure freedom. Never used them.  

If you can plumb a garden hose and change a fuse in a plug you can install a DIY  system. 

I filter all my water from home and take out my 25ltr barrels to use accordingly. I would definitely go for a complete package regarding trolley and filters, only thing I would do differently now would be to buy the pole and brush from gardiner. Other than that, purefreedom will sort you out. The trolley is superb, new nano version which is lightweight but very robust, great battery life too.

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Now pay attention young man.....
They may have sexy looking gear but they have the worst customer service in the industry and the owner James is a total c-nut. 
No comment on pure freedom. Never used them.  
If you can plumb a garden hose and change a fuse in a plug you can install a DIY  system. 
Be very wary of the quality of the Tulsion resin that purefreedom sells.
7 hours ago, MikeNW said:

Heres my 2p worth.  If you want a trolley either build your own or buy a backpack and a trolley and strap the two together! Gardiners backpack for £100 ish + a trolley. 

Im also in a mega hard water area.  If you have room you need an RO and a tank of some kind to fill up. (I have a cheap RO filling an IBC in my parents garage).  I staarted off collecting rain water and putting it through a DI filter because I couldnt afford an RO! 

I for one wont be spending thousands on a van system.  :D 

This bloke makes a good point!

This bloke is @adamangler lol

He makes a good point.. doesn't matter what you use as long as it puts water on glass 

The cheapest best and best risk free start for you would be but a Gardiner backpack less than 100 notes and go to Aldi or lidl for the trolley I paid 11.99 in Aldi. There you go you have a water fed pole system. Obviously pole needed lol. You have an Astra van complete waste of money paying a thousand quid for a tank to be installed that isn't big enough for much work anyway. Earn enough get a bigger van then a bigger tank. 

I started with a ladder on a Corsa

Then a backpack and 4 barrels in the corsa.

Then a little combo van with the backpack and 12 barrels.

Now traffic with 500L tank. 

No risk at any point as waited to get the money to move up the ladder in just over 12 months. 

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