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Trollull GlassCleaner stainless steel glass cleaning pads


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I will be getting some more to stock up the van as will come in very handy for stubborn stains/marks on glass. I also found out today that paint splatter comes off very easaly too so no need to use that dreaded glass scrapper I hope anymore.

I just sent an email and asked if i could try a free sample of their glasscleaner as you do.

They are a foam backed with a firm pad with a layer of very fine stanless steel wool much the same size of normal washing up scourer/sponges so no your finger don't go through them.

To be honest I was very supprised how well it worked

Glad to hear my little discovery has your recommendation, wish I had that quick thinking brain you have, to ask for a free sample. Thank you for the review:) Look forward to your photos on how you have got it on the WFP :thumbsup:

I'm sure if you send an email they will send you a free sample pack too :thumbsup:

Glad to hear my little discovery has your recommendation, wish I had that quick thinking brain you have, to ask for a free sample. Thank you for the review:) Look forward to your photos on how you have got it on the WFP :thumbsup:
Nice one ...you should get a return email from Birgitt Sollows. Also might take a few day as will be posted from germany as that is where the manufacture is based :thumbsup:

My free gift came today:), could have done with them today, had massive house, took 4 and half hours, first clean, lots of marks/stains, as hadnt been cleaned for over a year. Look forward to trying them:rolleyes:. They do have a warning, for coated glass, to try them on a concealed area first, dont know where that is on a window though:confused:.

Nice one....I like free stuff too /emoticons/smile.png

I would not use them on the outside on self cleaning glass myself for the obvious reason as it could take the thin coating off.

Nice one....I like free stuff too /emoticons/smile.png
I would not use them on the outside on self cleaning glass myself for the obvious reason as it could take the thin coating off.
bring back the beard of knowledge @Smurf

ya know ya want to:cool:
