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Univalve with gardiners backpack


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Well-known member
Hi all

I have a gardiners backpack with a SLX pole.I have just fitted a univalve.All works fine on the low flow button but on the high flow it doesn't turn off when I pull on the hose but the flow reduces significantly.

Any ideas ?


Hi me again just to clarify it appears that the flow is not turning off on any of the settings.

Any help would be much appreciated.

i assume that when I pull the hose to stop the water there should be no water coming through at all.

Haven't tried that yet.Been messing about with it for most of the evening,got fed up so having a glass of wine?

If it did turn off what might that suggest ?

i think it would mean a problem with the univalve rather than either the pressure switch or flow control , we use a gardiners backpack all day with a univalve and only had problems when  the flow control was dying, it worked on full but nothing else , but never effected the univalve, when its on low flow what happens if you turn it up by the button?

Have you fitted the Univalve the right way up? The moving part should point toward the bottom of the pole. If it is the right way up then it sounds like a faulty Univalve. I use one with a portable sprayer with no problems.
