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Way to short.

You need to be able to get all the way round to the back of a house.

My house is about 13m from front to back, plus the front garden at about 15m and then you have to drag it to the farthest window with only 2m left.

If it's a terrace you may have to drag the hose up alley ways and through a yard.

100m reel does me just fine on most jobs I do as saves me having to keep moving the van so much.

You could probably get away with a 30m reel depending what sort of jobs you take on but I've found size/length does matter.

Get 100m, if you don't you'll regret it when THAT big job comes in and you can't do it. I have 100m and have used upto about 80m in the past. I use the trolley for that job now as it's a row of small houses but you have a bit of a walk round shared access to the rear gardens.

Get 100 if your work is compact. We pull up some streets and do most of them with only one stop. Saves loads of time unpacking and packing up

100m for certain can park up and do eight houses on one stop and use nearly 100 meters.

99 meters should do it.

In all seriousness, 100m is essential, means you can clean more houses without having to reel in the hose and drive up the road a bit.

And, if you get commercial jobs, you'll need 100m!

That reel looks ok but still would not be pratical for me as is only a 30m length hose after all.

went out measuring last night & its deff 100mtrs i need, shame cos you just give that reel a tug n it wind itself in & that would be bliss for my back
