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Think he need to change his rubber and use less soap maybe :laugh:

Windows cleaned with wfp pure water lasts upto 10 times longer don't you know. Just don't go telling your customers that...Bless him /emoticons/biggrin.png

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Hahaha what the......? I have never ever seen windows like that after tradding

I wonder if he is selling wfp by any chance?

Haha yeah and i dont recreate 'a months worth of dirt' by blowing 2 handfuls of dust onto the window :laugh:

Shadap fool


Not you tench /emoticons/biggrin.png

I believe he exaggerates it but it is true. Was just thinking the exact same thing the other day. Squeege wont remove 100% of the soapy liquid, of course it wont be visible to your eyes, but it's still there, even if we talk about only 0.5% of the original amount, it's there.

I believe he exaggerates it but it is true. Was just thinking the exact same thing the other day. Squeege wont remove 100% of the soapy liquid, of course it wont be visible to your eyes, but it's still there, even if we talk about only 0.5% of the original amount, it's there.
Please, do we have to listen to this ******* pseudo science everytime a pole vs squeegee conversation arises. I'm fed up of listening to the science pumped out by WFP manufacturers because, guess what.....they are trying to sell you something!!!Poles are good if used properly, squeegees are good if used properly- now please can we leave it at that.

WFP ain't the magic formula! I cleaned a house this morning with direct sun light on the glass. The glass is uPVC leaded and has a greasy feel to it. Anyway, in the corners you could see the brush hadn't cleaned well enough. I took a scrim to it and it went!

You can't beat a good hand job sometimes @Tuffers for sure /emoticons/biggrin.png

It's funny that if pure water worked so well then why so many (including myself) on first cleans need to use a boost i.e use some kind of chem too.:rolleyes:

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yes wfp is funny like that i find spraying ubik200 on the brush will sort the greasy stuff it seems to wrk wanders im hooked on the stuff

Works great on tree sap and all other kinds of stuff too. You just have to spend ages rinsing it off and checking your work. Get it right and the finish is amazing. Get it wrong and it looks terrible when the glass dries out /emoticons/biggrin.png

yes wfp is funny like that i find spraying ubik200 on the brush will sort the greasy stuff it seems to wrk wanders im hooked on the stuff
It's funny that if pure water worked so well then why so many on first cleans need to use a boost i.e use some kind of chem too.
Yep agreed Smurf, and surely if residue is left on a window (even if its pure water) then it is bound to attract or hold dust particles. Therefore for a totally perfect clean, the WFPers should squeegee all the water off?

I'm talking ****ox of course, because my point is that in the real world, this stuff don't matter.

ive bin mixing mine 2 parts ubik2000 to 10 parts water it rips bird muck off with ease im guna try tfr soon an compair

im also going to b trying ipa in my water to c how it wrks in hot sun maby dabble with some ecover maby even ubik2000 in the tank ill b testing it in 25leter drums till i find the rite mix

im also going to b trying ipa in my water to c how it wrks in hot sun maby dabble with some ecover maby even ubik2000 in the tank ill b testing it in 25leter drums till i find the rite mix
Don't waste beer tench /emoticons/smile.png

Please, do we have to listen to this ******* pseudo science everytime a pole vs squeegee conversation arises. I'm fed up of listening to the science pumped out by WFP manufacturers because, guess what.....they are trying to sell you something!!!Poles are good if used properly, squeegees are good if used properly- now please can we leave it at that.
Neither me nor the guy in the video was talking about difference in finish. The point was about how long windows stay clean.

Yep agreed Smurf, and surely if residue is left on a window (even if its pure water) then it is bound to attract or hold dust particles. Therefore for a totally perfect clean, the WFPers should squeegee all the water off?
I agree with you on this one, that's exactly why I don't like to clean windows on very windy days.

WFP ain't the magic formula! I cleaned a house this morning with direct sun light on the glass. The glass is uPVC leaded and has a greasy feel to it. Anyway, in the corners you could see the brush hadn't cleaned well enough. I took a scrim to it and it went!
I know what you mean, direct sunlight with high temperature and it's a whole different game... I did a first clean the other day in such conditions, and I had to go back on some of the windows a couple times.

All in all, there isn't a perfect way of cleaning windows, both wfp and trad has its pros and cons.

Peace out

Re reading my post it came across a little harsh, but it wasn't meant to be so I'll start by saying sorry about that.

I wasn't talking about the finish either, I was talking about the legth of clean time. As far as I'm concerned- its a myth. The whole thing about WFP windows needing 3 cleans to wash away the previous products- *******ox IMO. This isn't aimed at you, its aimed at the marketing from the pole systems. By all means its fine mentioning these things to a customer...I would do the same if I had paid £1500 or more on a WFP system. But we need to keep it real in the forums.

You mention about windy days, but even if there is no wind there is still pollutants, pollens, and all sorts airbourne without the help of the wind. I mentioned about squeegeeing because I'm sure no WFP user would ever squeegee every window. It would defeat the main points of his purchase- to stay safe, and to save time. So again, we need to be realistic- WFP is not here because it cleans windows better/for longer- its here to keep the cleaner on the ground, and to make more money. Nothing wrong with either of that, but lets just say that.
