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Water damaged glass, best thing to use?


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Can anyone recommended a product for water damaged glass.

Upstairs where the windows are under the soffits there fine

However downstairs where the windows have render above them they have building runoff damage.


yeh me want to know that too.....one recommended on here was that cillit bang..i hate that bloke...grrrrr.....but unless i tried the wrong one it did nothing for me...so i watch with interest....it is annoying and yes mine are where there is render above...

Is it just run off not splatter? If it's run off it should come off easily, failing that get a scraper on it with plenty of soap

I have a house where they have a flat lead roof over a bay. Rain water runs off it onto the glass and has stained it. I can rub most of it off with a cloth, but it has returned by the next clean. I've given up on it now and just WFP it and carry on regardless.

Maybe its a little bit more than run off then, As I bladed it to start off with, No joy! So tried to scrape it of still no hoy!

Needs something with a bit of bite in it for it to even budge!

Is there nothing on the market for this specific job?

CnC yes i have heard someone say cillit bang! And the only bang we need is the barrels of a 12 bore at Barry Scott! /emoticons/biggrin.png

I'm of Tuffers thinking: carry on regardless. They fked it up, theycan live with it. But generally a good soapy scrape and a splash of vinegar gets most thinks off.

I'm of Tuffers thinking: carry on regardless. They fked it up, theycan live with it. But generally a good soapy scrape and a splash of vinegar gets most thinks off.
I even tried Virosol on a magic sponge on it once, still no good :thumbsdown:

I even tried Virosol on a magic sponge on it once, still no good :thumbsdown:
Yep, I've gone as far as using viakal on it which is really nasty s***, still no joy, so the only stuff I will carry and use is vinegar since it won't damage your health.

I see you're on -9 now @TolishAPurd :eek: WTF?
Lol. I think it was abs that clicked the 'old' button on one of my posts, I assume (and hope) it was an accident. Any chance you can dislike this post for me so I can have a round number please?

i cant dislike you tolish its a :love: thing....

now come on I now there is something out there....stop keeping secrets...spit it out....

I think some products do work but.....would you pay for them....if the custy doesn't even notice the water marks...?

Ive never tried vinegar and soapy water with a scrapper, i will give it a go, theres several windows like this on my round these days, by and large they never mention it but im still curious to get it back to perfect.

Another thing similar is when the rubber seal leaks black sh&t onto the white frames and stains it, how do u get that off?

You guys needs something like this:
http://www.amazon.com/Bring-It-Cleaner-Remover-32/dp/B00KQVNRQM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417127139&sr=8-1&keywords=bring it on water

I use this and similar products to remove heavy water staining from shower glass. Vinegar etc. won't do much if it's been like that for a while, scraping can work but you run the risk of scratching the glass if not careful.
I would rather just quote it as a seperate job to be honest. But I've managed to bring some really ****** shower screens back from the dead with soap and vinegar. It usually takes two applications, but the results can be amazing. But every now and then, the damage has just gone too far. But when i price a window toclean, I am only pricing soaping it up, squeegeeing it, and general detailing with a cloth. If I'm going to have to mess about with other chemicals and extra effort and time, then they will be paying for it.

Ive never tried vinegar and soapy water with a scrapper, i will give it a go, theres several windows like this on my round these days, by and large they never mention it but im still curious to get it back to perfect.
Another thing similar is when the rubber seal leaks black sh&t onto the white frames and stains it, how do u get that off?
Just stick a bit of vinegar in the bucket with your normal solution, but for the bad stuff, have a premixed bottle with a squirt of soap, and a couple of cms of vinegar. Squirt, agitate, squirt, agitate squeegee. Repeat.

yeh that's in dollars so that's a no no .....come on lads....I know some one has it....or else...I will nick the wifes vinegar...oh it stinks...and for some reason makes me hungry.../emoticons/biggrin.png
